Chapter 49

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"Say what you want to say, and let me return." said the Spectre, "Sam Winchester must be guarded at all times." A great barrier loomed before them. It was the wall that separated the Source from the rest of Creation. They call it the Source Wall, an interdimensional purgatory at the very edge of the Multiverse. All who try to penetrate the Wall and enter the Source would find themself trapped within this barrier.

"You seek redemption for your crimes, as do I." said the Phantom Stranger, "we have a chance to save countless lives across infinite realities here."

"God forbids us." said the Spectre, "there will be consequences."

"I understand." said the Phantom Stranger, "but perhaps we don't have to intervene directly. The Source is an infinite, primordial energy. It can stop the Empty Hand, but only if we persuade it to take action. We can save the world, Spectre--"

"I figured I'd have to deal with you eventually." the Spectre's eyes flared warningly. His arm shot out, grabbing the Phantom Stranger by the throat, "you must be stopped." They shot forth through the Bleed, toward the Source Wall. "You will remain entombed here until the Almighty chooses otherwise."

The moment the Phantom Stranger's back slammed up against the Source Wall, dozens of metallic tendrils shot out, wrapping themselves around his body, and binding him into the wall. He felt his muscles hardening, his joints locking as all mobility in his body ceased. "Spectre--" He let out one final, desperate cry before he could speak no more...

Meanwhile, on Breeding World, Breeder-420, as the only female in an insect orgy, found herself experiencing a multitude of different sensations as she was bred over and over again. Mutatus crawled up her birth canal and she could feel chewing on her cervix by many sharp mandibles while a steady stream of them entered her uterus.

A pileup was occurring in her birth canal and their intentions were clear; they needed to widen the passage so more can enter her quicker. A sharp pain came from them chewing on the cervical barrier and she squirmed to no avail. A trail of blood was trickling from her pussy. The trail of Mutatus seemed to expand and the numbers doubled.

She felt full and it was like pushing in that very bumpy dildo on her chastity belt all over again! It was like, yards of this cock was being pushed inside at once. She could feel the little feet crawling, the wiggling, and the wings beating, all within the walls of my pussy. The mass of Mutatus in her uterus had grown to a baseball size that shook and resonated inside her.

It would be minutes until they filled up her womb.

Her ass was a very similar story. A steady stream of them crawled up into her large intestine, slowly filling it up. She felt every bit of it. She felt them wedging themselves into some fecal matter that remained, digging their nests in there. Even when it was completely filled to the brim, she could still feel hordes of them trying to squeeze themselves in to no avail.

Her gag reflex tried its best to keep the hordes of Mutatus out her throat and stomach, but eventually, that muscle grew tired. Soon, her throat was completely overwhelmed by the hordes of Mutatus that forced their way down her esophagus and into her stomach.

But what most certainly didn't expect to become infested by these creatures were her breasts; a few began to masticate her nipples, bringing milk to the tips which they began to drink. Suddenly, she felt a sharp sting on her right nipple. She was stung! Something had stung her!

Of all places, she was stung right on the top of her nipple! The pain was intense! Then another sting on the left breast in the same fucking place! After the first sting, she flinched and the swarm started to crowd. She would have jumped, had she been able to.

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