Chapter 34

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"She's full of them!" Eve gasped. It clicked in her mind just as her own cockroach pushed.

"They're...unnnff!" The egg pushed hard against her cervix. The surface of it was smooth and round, and coated with a thick slime that oozed from the end of the shaft, but her tight ring wouldn't admit the insertion so easily. It soon wouldn't have a choice.

As the pressure mounted, Eve's breath caught in her chest. The ache of her cervix being forced to stretch around the egg built, mingling strangely with the pleasurable throb of those behind it. "Fuck..." she groaned. "It's too tight!" Her hands clenched until at once, the pressure gave way. The egg slipped through into her cervix with a sudden rush, spilling into her womb.

Eve gasped. The drop in pressure was dizzying, but she hardly had time to process before the next egg was poised against her cervix. "S...slow down..." she managed. The cockroach's wings hummed, and it pulled back for a moment, only to thrust again. The second egg strained to push through, but it wasn't long before Eve's body yielded to it as well. She could feel the two of them pressing outwards on her womb, shifting slightly at every twitch and shudder.

Already she felt full, but she knew it wouldn't be the end. She could feel more round eggs being crammed into her canal, pumping her full. Even in her shame and fear at being used by these horrible creatures, her helplessness only meant she had no way of resisting the pleasure they inflicted.

She had given up hope of resistance, but the prideful part of her that still clung onto her dignity had been whittled down to nothing. As the third egg pushed its way inside Eve's womb, the ache at being forcefully stretched had subsided, replaced with the delightful throb of the incoming eggs, slowly but surely accelerating towards their destination.

As they joined the eggs already inside, the pressure in her belly grew, bringing a with it a strange sensation that was as much satisfaction as it was sexual pleasure. More. A fourth egg pushed inside, then a fifth: each one heightening the pressure and pleasure both. As much as she tried, she couldn't hold back any more...

"More..." Eve whispered, her mouth barely forming the words. The shaft rippled against the walls of her pussy, eggs packed tight through the whole length. "More!" She moaned, louder this time. Her shame was forgotten as she surrendered herself utterly to the buzzing insect.

"I'm...going to..." Eve stammered just before the waves of sensation crashed down upon her. Her body twitched and shudders in the throes of orgasm, reveling in being made a living seedbed: giving her body up to be a vessel for their eggs. Her hormones exploded in her brain, going completely haywire, flooding her with the pleasure she had been denied...emotions flooded her soul, making her scream in hysteria.

The great unmaking had stopped.

On the ground, Adam felt the pain in his chest cease as well. "The's gone!" He gasped, "does that mean the creator--"

"Your creator is alive, yes." replied Hellmachine.

"Thank the Lord." Pushing himself up so that he was sitting up straight, Adam continued his discussion about desires and pleasure with Hellmachine of the Gentry. "But is it not true that desire comes from the maker, as all things do?"

"Of course."

"And are they not therefore good?"

"Well...suppose the maker himself is only a part of something greater." said Hellmachine, "suppose good and evil are things that exist above him--eternal principles that he cannot alter or manipulate."

"Greater than the garden?"

"The garden is very small indeed." said Hellmachine, "good and evil are the twin poles on which all things are built. They are what is left when the chaff of illusion is winnowed away.

"I would not wish to disappoint the maker. I would like to be good. But it is too confusing. There is no way to tell acts that are good from those that are evil."

"Acts, in and of themselves cannot be either what matters is the intent. Anything done out of selfish desire is tainted. Anything done out of love for the maker is sanctified. Renounce your will. Renounce desire. Accept his yoke and be free."

He watched as Adam pondered what he had told him, deep in thought and wonder...

In the 5th Dimension, the doctors solemnly pulled a tarp over Sam's body, covering him entirely. "Ceasing chest compressions." said a nurse, "time of death: 8:46 pm." Everyone in the room stood back and bowed their heads in a moment of silence.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of green light erupted from Sam's 'corpse' and a gust of strong wind threw the tarp against. Sam gasped loudly, as he sat up, green vaporous energies materializing around him in the form of a green cloak. The tubes, needles, and sensor in and on his skin were instantly burnt to nothing.

"Jesus Christ." someone whispered.

"Not quite..." The Spectre climbed off the bed and stood firmly on his feet, his glowing green eyes peering deep into each of their souls, searching for sin...crime dictates crime, no punishment. Marching past the startled doctors, the Spectre left in search of vengeance to be cast.

"Vengeance calls..."

Sam was not sure what's happening...but the Spectre-Force was much bigger than he expected, and the feeling of such a primal force entering his body was like...well, just read the last chapter again and you'll know what he meant.

And then...well, it's hard to explain. Have you ever had that feeling, as you're drifting off to sleep that your body has somehow become giant? It's sort of like that, only no one is sleeping anymore. They were one body, the Spectre and him, but the Spectre was definitely in the driver's seat. He was just along for the ride and he hated that.

"Hey! Hey, sir?" A nurse ran up to him, holding a clipboard. "You suffered some significant trauma, and we strongly advise you to return to your hospital bed to be monitored for any remnant trauma."

"I'm fine." the Spectre grunted.

"Fine, but if you insist on leaving, then you must sign this form--" the nurse showed him the paper on the clipboard. "--to indicate you left on your own accord. It's just a standard protocol, so if you please--" the Spectre gave her a hard glare before vanishing in a blinding flash of green light, leaving her staring in awe...

While the Spectre may have saved Sam from death, the infection was still far from vanquished, and the Gentry continued on breeding Eve, multiplying rapidly...

Eve had lost count: both of how many eggs the cockroach had squeezed inside her womb, and how many times she came during the process. Her belly was gravid with them. The hint of the round shapes within her was just visible through the taut skin of her stomach, and she lay heavily on her side, gasping in her overstimulation.

Finally though, the flow of eggs had stopped, and as soon as the last one was in place, the cockroach released her. Its legs untangled from her thigh, ovipositor pulling from her pussy with a wet pop. It left her feeling empty after being stretched so taut, and she groaned. Blinking slowly, she tried to clear her bleary eyes.

"Unnngh..." she groaned, rolling onto her front with considerable effort. Her bloated belly pressed on the cave floor until she pushed herself up on all fours. "So... many..." she managed. Still disoriented, she didn't notice the larger cockroach approaching until it landed just behind her, quickly clambering onto her back.

"What..." she blurted, turning her head just as it gripped tight against her, legs clasping around her torso. They nearly couldn't meet across her stomach, digging in against her as it anchored itself. Again? I don't think I can take any more.

As soon as the cockroach positioned itself at her pussy, she knew something was different with this one. The head of the shaft bulged outwards, and the whole thing was thick and stiff. Even after everything, the strange bumps along the surface were enough to startle Eve with the pinpoints of pleasure against her pussy.

Is this... a male? She wondered. The cockroach tightened its grip, pushing in deeply. Eve lurched, the insect's cock hammering into her and pulling back just as quickly. She gasped, bracing on her arms against the sudden, aggressive thrusting.

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