Chapter 31

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"Ever since I first laid eyes upon you, Lord Death, I was entranced." Mobius said, "the beautiful yet cruel, the natural yet unnatural force that exists at the end of all things. The thought that I shall see you again keeps me going. I feel no regret as I slay those who try to breach into the Greater Megaverse because I know, I would only be sending them to you."

"Look, I get it. The last Death was kind of cute--okay, very cute and pretty--but if what you say is true, then--"

"No, you don't understand." Mobius shook his head, "the beauty I saw in her, I also see in you. I felt no regret slaying countless universes because I know they will come to you."

"I know, I'm very hot too." Sam grinned, "but male beauty is not quite the same as female beauty. What's hot in a man may not be hot in a woman."

"No, no. My lord, you misunderstand me." said Mobius, "I am not referring to your physical appearance. I have long learned to see past that and into one's soul and essence."

"Considering you look like a wrinkly marshmallow, I'm not surprised to hear that line from you."

"If my appearance displeases you, I can reconstruct it."

"No, I'm fine with your appearance. Everyone's different." Sam shrugged, "however, I don't like the name you gave me."

"You mean Death of The Endless?"

"Yes. You named me after a fucking genocide!" Sam complained, "I mean, who in their right minds would wake up one day and start calling themselves 'Death of The Endless'? That name literally sounds like I just commited a genocide on a group called 'The Endless'."

"Mobius shrugged, "well, the way you say it, yeah. It does sort of sound like a genocide."

Sam clutched his head in annoyance. "Anyways, I would prefer it if you would just refer to me as Sam, or Mr. Winchester from now on."

"Yes, Sam."

"Now, tell me: why THE FUCK are you pumping this multiverse full of antimatter?" Sam snapped, "you said some shit about destroying this multiverse so a new one can rise. What's that about?"

"The multiverse which you reside in is the second iteration of the multiverse." Mobius began, "the first iteration failed when your experiment; the one where you tried to look at existence from the beyond. A primordial entity known as Nyarlathotep was awoken as you passed the 10th dimension, and that entity ravaged our multiverse until Morpheus the dream lord finally placed him back into his slumber. However, the original multiverse was badly damaged and my brother was forced to replace it with its malformed reflection, the Dark Multiverse, a plane of existence that is doomed to fail due to its imperfect construction."

"And why are you destroying your brother's construction?"

"To trigger a crisis. When our world was created, our mother made a fail-safe in case the multiverse is damaged beyond repair. She made an anvil which my first brother must strike to ascend a new multiverse from the shadows to replace the current one. However her mechanism has one major flaw which she did not intend; the world forge was never meant to produce malformed worlds.

"See? Under her intended circumstances, Alpheus would always have a stockpile of potential universes in his domain, which can be cast in to replace the current at a moment's notice. But now, the massive number of malformed worlds made that feat nearly impossible without eons of preparation.

"However, your assistant, the Higherian named Dean Winchester, provided us with a marvelous solution to our troubles. You see? Alpheus can only create worlds which have been dreamt of by dreamers in the multiverse, which inevitably leads to many being fevered and unstable. However, using the artifact which he stole, the Dreamstone, he now has the power to control The Dreaming; instead of picking dreams by chance, he can now weed out the unstable dreams, leaving only the stable ones to be cast into the new multiverse."

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