Chapter 29

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A/N: So we're clear, the black zombie is Nekron. The white glowing winged thing is the Life Entity. The purple guy is Sinestro.

"Entity!" Sam screamed at his creation, "You want to know your function?! FIGHT!!! FIGHT TO LIVE!!!"

Instantly, he felt a surge of warmth course through his body as the Life Entity's light grew brighter than ever and Nekron shriveled back in response

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Instantly, he felt a surge of warmth course through his body as the Life Entity's light grew brighter than ever and Nekron shriveled back in response. "LIVE!!!" But instead of the relief, he was expecting, Sam was met with only more pain; Nekron was also his avatar, and like the Life Entity, he felt each and every injury Nekron experienced as well!

Trillions of rings--power rings imbued with the brightness of the Life Entity erupted from his light, flying out across the Greater Omniverse. Each world the rings touched instantly became vibrate with the light of life, banishing the lifelessness that once coated it. "The Omniverse lives." The Life Entity's voice echoed across the minds of every sentient being across all existence, "let there be light."

"STOP IT!" Sam threw himself in between the conflict, conjuring force fields around the two primal forces in an attempt to keep them from clashing again. "Hear me! I am Sam Winchester, your lord, and master, and I demand TRUCE!!!"

"NO!" Nekron wailed, his decaying body burning in the Life Entity's presence like a vampire under the sun. "YOU DIE! YOU ALL DIE!!" He broke through the forcefield, lunging at the Life Entity once again, driving the blade of his scythe clean through its chest. "You cannot fight me any longer, Life Entity. As light or in a being under your jurisdiction, it does not matter. I will rip you apart and I will end you and all the life you have helped spawn."

"ARRAGGHH!!!" The pain was indescribable. Blood exploded forth from his body as white light erupted from his eyes and mouth. In every cell of his body, he could feel the Life Entity writhing from the intrusion. He heard every life form in the Greater Omniverse scream alongside him...the pain he felt was shared by all those connected to the light.

Lucifer and Michael clutched their chests in pain as well. "What--is that?!" Michael grunted, staring down at the battle between Absolute Death and Absolute Life. "Samael, what have you done?!" asked Michael harshly.

On one side, Sam felt Nekron's cold clammy hand wrap around the Life Entity's wrist as his finger elongated into wiggly black tendrils of death, forcing their way through his skin and up his arm. He wailed in pain again as he felt his skin wither and decay from Nekron's freezing touch. On the other side, he felt Nekron's agony as the white light of life burned him in response.

All in all, it hurt.

A lot.

"Sam?" A deep gruff voice spoke in his head, "let's get out of this shithole, alright?"

It was his brother speaking. Dean.

"Hiya, Sammy." Dean muttered, "come on, don't you die on me now, buddy..."

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