Chapter 31

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Eve had lost track of time as she remained pinned between her lover's hard body and a cold tree trunk. She stared right at him, lost in his hypnotic gaze, mesmerized by those brown irises. A dull ache pulsed inside of her, but the excruciating pain had finally subsided.

No matter how much she had begged him to slow down, he'd insisted that it was the best way to numb the pain, to keep going. He'd mercilessly pounded her so hard that all she felt was mind numbing pleasure, now that he'd finally slowed his pace.

Adam stared at her intensely as he breathlessly uttered, "Feels good...doesn't it?" He gripped her thighs and gave her one forceful thrust after another, slamming into her cervix. The sound of her moaning was like music to his ears as he held her weight and drove his cock deeper into her.

"Adam," Eve whimpered. "I think...I think I'm gonna—"

He kissed her roughly, ramming his steel hard shaft as deep as it could go, fucking her faster and harder. Eve closed her eyes and listened to the sound of his jagged breaths, his heavy testicles slapping against her dripping sex as he ravished her neck with sloppy wet kisses.

"Oh Sam Winchester!" She moaned, a pressure building in the pit of her stomach. "...Fuck...FUCK!" It felt like an instinct to curse out loud in the heat of the moment. There was something about that four-letter word that broke right into the eardrums in the most satisfying way.

"Cum for me," Adam breathed against her skin, driving himself into her, determined to make her shatter against him.

And then, it finally happened.

Her body tensed up. She arched her back and screamed in pleasure, contradicting the painful cries of agony that had escaped her lungs when he'd first penetrated her. A gratifying groan rumbled through his chest as Adam felt her walls contracting all over his shaft. She shattered beneath him into a million pieces, her entire body shaking, convulsing, legs quivering from a rushing climax that was still rippling through her core.

He'd made her orgasm, and the sound of her moaning was so intense that it triggered his own pending release. Adam growled and stifled a groan, blasting her with fertile seed. It was pooling inside of her, flooding her womb. He didn't even try to pull out. He couldn't. He simply did not have any control, nor self-discipline when it came to sex.

She wrapped her legs around his torso, snaking her arms over his shoulders while he finished ejaculating inside of her. Their lips never broke contact. When he finally pulled back for breath, he stared down at Eve to immediately gauge her expression.

Their chests and foreheads were wet with perspiration from a vigorous workout. Adam kept his throbbing pole inside of her, ignoring the sticky mess that was trickling out of her beaten pussy. "I'm sorry I hurt you," Adam murmured in her ear. "I got carried away."

"I--I want to do it...again." She whispered, "let us get some rest. Perhaps we can do it again later." Adam nodded, and finally pulled out, as an eruption of sticky white lava flowed out of her pussy...

Almost immediately after, a thunderous boom shook the planet, making them tremble in fear. A large, glowing sigil made of pure light appeared in the sky--a control mechanism for a kind of dimensional gateway...a key into the Mansions of Silence.

"Save us, creator!" Adam and Eve both screamed up at the sky, "have mercy!" The sky cracked and a furious swarm of hideous eldritch abominations poured into the Universe. "Lord, what the hell are those things?!" Adam cried out, "forgive us!"

A dark green egg shaped creature with a single giant eye and a pair of bat-wings fluttered before them, lightning crackling off its wings. They clutched their ears as a painful voice rang directly in their heads.

We r yur new landlords.

The Gentry!

We make fit this world for our kind to thrive.

As their eyes fell on each of the Gentry, its name rang in their ears.

Dame Merciless




Lord Broken

In the World Forge, Sam Winchester--the real Sam--cried out in pain before collapsing to the ground, writhing in agony. He knew taking the Gentry into his own essence would be risky, but the Gentrification process happened far faster than he ever could have imagined. His heart pounded and his head throbbed. His body was working overtime to counteract the infection, and it was losing.

He began forming at the mouth, his vision blurred. Even the mere act of lifting his arms felt like he was raising mountains, but nonetheless, he persisted...reaching for his phone--5th Dimensional General Hospital...

After a painstakingly long 5 seconds, he finally dialed in the number and instantly, a receptionist picked up. "5th Dimensional General Hospital. How may I help you?"

"Ambulance..." he choked, "World Forge...go through the crack in the Multiverse--"

"We'll be right there." He felt himself descend into unconsciousness...he took a gamble, and he had lost...

A square shaped spaceship with four nozzles on each corner descended from the skies, hovering a few feet above him. A hatch opened in the vessel's bottom, and two paramedics stepped out, walking swiftly towards him. "Check his vitals!"

He felt a hand touch the side of his neck. "He's still alive. But just barely." The other doctor replied, "get him on the stretcher." He felt hands tearing through his clothes, removing his jacket and pulling up his T-shirt. Someone stuck a breather around his face as they carried him onto a hard hospital stretcher. He felt them pull him up to the ship.

The beeping of medical equipment sounded around them. There was an itching as sensors were stuck to his skin. "Get him back to the hospital!" someone cried, "hurry!" He felt a jolt as the ship took off, flying at top speed towards the hospital. He was losing touch with reality, the beeping of the siren grew more and more distant, and the sound of his own breathing grew quieter by the second.

"Apply chest compressions!" He heard the doctors order before the darkness of his subconscious fully consumed him. There has to be a way out! He clawed against the darkness closing in around him. This is impossible! He could touch the edge of space and the end of time. It's closing in--confining, cramped! Stifling his mind and suffocating him.

"What is this game?" Sam wailed, "what are its rules?!"

One rule only.

Yu are losing!

The Gentry's voice, speaking as a singular hive mind, rang in his head, sending waves of pain through his skull. Green light spewed from his body and for a brief moment, the pain lessened. 'Fight!' The Spectre's voice commanded, 'resist!'

"Spectre...?" He whispered weakly, "you're--"

Dead. Said the Gentry.

It will become so bad yu may wish 2 die or commit, suicide. But the Anti-Death Equation will return yu 2 this condition indefinitely! There is no release from this moment of ruin. In the end yu will be like us and we will rejoice together in anguish. There is no options.

"No...NO!" Sam screamed, channeling the Spectre's power, trying to drive The Gentry back from his mind. Green light spewed from all over his body, casting a dark shadow on the ground. "Listen up, 'Anti-Death Equation,' I ain't doing nothing for you!"

"That's correct--" A voice replied from the endless dark, and to his terror, the voice was none other than...his own voice! He felt his skin crawl and his form shimmer and he doubled over in discomfort. When he bent down, he saw that the ground was a clear mirror.

His reflection stared back at him...only it wasn't him at all. It's eyes were pitch black and demonic, its teeth sharp fangs, and all of his limbs, including his face, was elongated in an inhuman way! "I am Anti-Death." The creature in the mirror spoke to him in his own voice, "and I am a part of you now!"

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