Chapter 39

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A/N: Black Lantern Corps, under the control of the new Death of The Endless, showdown against the Judeo-Christian angels!!!!

"NO!" Sam stared down as his servant's glowing hologram flickered and disappeared. The nanobots all went still and dropped back down to the planet's surface, and the grinding vortex ceased to suck and spin. The moons powered down simultaneously, for without their master, they were nothing but limp limbs of the planet. Nekron's hologram disappeared

Connection severed. An inner voice told him as he felt Black Lantern the Source slip from his control. The blast had hit the core, the heart in which The Super-Celestials were stored. Being made from the Morningstar power, The hands were not so easily destroyed. His Black Lantern Rings, however, were.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on the enemies surrounding them. Angels, thousands of them, began swarming him from all directions...just as a shockwave of power exploded, sending them sprawling back into the atmosphere.

He was done playing nice.

He was done holding back his powers.

He was an Endless. He played by his own rules, and his own rules only. No God, no angel will change that for him.

Just then, Michael unleashed the second wave of demiurgic power, this time directing it at Sam.

He tried to defend himself by conjuring up a shield of white energy, but the demiurgic power was too much for him; Michael was the power of God, a primal force enough to annihilate all of the Greater Omniverse should it be released uncontrollably.

The blast sent Sam sprawling down to the surface of the Source where he crashed through the nigh-indestructible surface and through the metal gears and levers that made up the planet's insides.

Sam flew back out of the crater he made to face the hundreds of angels that now surrounded him. "You want me to do my job?" He snapped, spreading his arms out invitingly, "then fine! I'll do it...ALL AT ONCE!"

The angels swarmed onto him all at once.

"Goodbye." A pulsating white light shone from his vessel, illuminating all that in reality. The angels didn't even have a chance to scream; the intensity of the light vaporized them all instantly without leaving a speck of remains. Every angel in the garrison to arrest him, except for Michael, had perished by his hand without a trace.

Even Michael the archangel was forced to shield his head and face from the release of power.

When the light finally cleared, Sam was floating in the center of a massive, magma-filled crater on the surface of the planet. "Michael!" He bellowed up at the Demiurgic archangel flying just a few hundred meters above him, "I hope this makes it clear to you that I'M NOT GOING BACK!"

Sam wasn't just deadly; he was Death. He is Endless, he is the one and the many, he is the nothing and the all. He had no beginning nor will he have an end; he has stood before anything ever existed, and it was his duty to lock the Greater Omniverse behind him when eternity comes to a close. He would bring that end a bit closer...he thought.

That thought bled into the fabric of reality. Immediately, stars implode, worlds collide, and entire parallel dimensions collapse upon each other. Millions of advanced galactic races rushed to begin their doomsday preparations.

With a mere wish, he erased them all from existence just to show them, if he wanted them gone, there was no possible preparation that could stop that. Lives were lost in the quintillions and their souls were obliterated from existence.

"Death!" Michael screamed, diving headfirst into him and tackling him down onto the burning hot surface of The Source, "I do not wish to take extreme measures to ensure your cooperation, but at this rate, you are beginning to force my hand!"

Raising his hand to Michael's face, he brought his thumb and middle finger together and pressed. "I'd like to see you try!" A wave of telekinesis flung Michael back several feet as Sam leaped back onto his feet.

"Goodbye, multiverse #420!" His fingers clicked loudly. Immediately, an entire infinite multiverse, the one numbered '420' on heaven's map of the Greater Omniverse to be exact, ceased to exist.

He pressed his fingers together in pre-snap position again and grinned at Michael tauntingly, almost daring him to make another move. "I'm just doing my job, Michael, like--" The fingers clicked again, and another multiverse, this time multiverse #69, ceased to exist. "--You asked. I'm killing things, just like what I was made for."

"NOOO!!!" In a flutter of wings, Michael was on top of him, both hands around his neck. "In the name of my father, I invoke the gift he has given to every creature and entity in the Greater Omniverse!"

Sam struggled fiercely, but Michael's grip was unbreakable. "The Blackest Night falls from the skies..." He choked, raising a hand up to the skies, "the darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise, By my black hand, the dead shall rise! Black Lanterns, come to me!!" At his command, a thick stream of black smoke erupted from his extended hand, materializing into trillions of Black Lantern Rings.

Michael's grip loosened briefly as he looked up in shock to see rings streaming down through the puncture wound on The Source's surface towards the core. "Hands of Lucifer!" Sam bellowed, "RISE!" He was answered by a funnel of black lightning erupting from the core as the newly risen Hands separated from The Source and joined the fight.

"DESTROY HIM!" With Michael distracted, Sam blasted him aside with a beam of Connective Energies. He raised the scythe high above his head, using the Black Lantern Battery as a marker to the Lanterns. "NOW!!!" The black mass was taking form into individual Hands, each of whom now had the same glowing Black Lantern symbol engraved on their chests.

The Hands swarmed the archangel, sending coordinated blows at him. Sam instinctively shielded his face, for, each punch sent ripples through the Greater Omniverse, each energy blast was potent enough to bring a multiverse to life! Michael swung and swatted, but even the mighty hand of God could not keep up with their sheer numbers.

"Michael Demiurgos of the Silver City!" Sam roared, "INTEGRATE!!!" A stream of Black Lantern Rings shot out of his hand, latching onto Michael, trying to establish a connection. "ARRGGHH!" The archangel screamed in pain as the rings liquidized into a viscous black fluid trying to seep through his skin.

 "ARRGGHH!" The archangel screamed in pain as the rings liquidized into a viscous black fluid trying to seep through his skin

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"You want to play rough--" Michael's glowing white eyes locked onto Sam's brown ones. "--FINE!!! Let's play rough then!" One last time, the Archangel Michael raised a hand, and he sent a blast of Demiurgic power at him.

The blast hit Sam square in the chest, sending ripples through the Omniverse. He collapsed to his knees, his powers waning as he struggled to heal himself from the damage caused by Michael's power. The Black Lantern Hands were blasted away by the ripples of the smite, the rings fell down motionlessly. A crack spanning 1000 kilometers opened and a massive crater was formed in the yellow sand as a result of the two superpowers colliding.

Michael solemnly marched over to Sam and picked him up by the neck. "You lost, Winchester."

"I'm not doing jack shit..." Sam choked. "Go ahead! Torture me! Try me, bitch!"

"That would be unnecessary." Michael snarled, "I have other methods..."

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