Chapter 48

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"And then, God made you, Sam." said the Spectre, "your kind--the Hypergods--you were his final trial at perfection. He made your kind to be a near perfect replica of himself--infinite, eternal, and powerful, yet still, you managed to drive yourself towards your own doom!"

Sam mumbled and struggled against the cocoon of chains binding him. "It looks like he has something to say." said the Phantom Stranger.

"Very well." the threads sewing his mouth shut disappeared. "Speak."

"How does God expect us to be perfect if He only made us to be near-perfect?"

"God works in mysterious ways." said the Spectre, "I'd like to believe he has a plan for it all, and I believe there is a God...but I don't think he believes in us."

"Our kind failed his pathetic test, so what?" snapped Sam, "is he just going to sit in his chair upstairs, and watch as the Empty Hand wipes this entire Multiverse clean?!"

"Yes," said the Spectre, "and there is nothing I can do. I have rebelled against the Word once. I cannot defy him again!" A dome of green energy was manifesting around them, making a half-sphere with a radius of about 100 meters on the ground. "I am sorry Sam, but I must hold you here." He snapped his fingers and the flaming chains around his body disappeared. "Make yourself comfortable. You're allowed to build anything you like under this dome."

"Spectre, wait!" Sam staggered to his feet but the Spectre was already gone. Slumping back down, Sam massaged his temples as he struggled to come up with a plan of action. He looked up at the Phantom Stranger with hopeful eyes...

"I'm sorry, Sam, but I cannot interfere either." replied the Phantom Stranger, "I too have betrayed an aspect of God and seek redemption." He held up the chain of silver pieces that hung around his neck for Sam to see. "The Romans gave me these in exchange for my betrayal of the Son of God. I still carry them to this day to remind myself of my grave sin."

"I will find a way, Stranger."

"You must not continue on this path."

"The world ends if I step off this path." said Sam, "and you know, for a guy who claims he can't interfere, you sure stick your nose in a lot. You're just disapproval in a fedora, aren't you?"

"What would your brother think of you? You took the Anti-Death Equation into your soul. You took the Anti-Life Equation into your soul. You murdered Hecate, his old lover. You laid waste to the Lords of Order. You stole the Spear of Destiny."

"Dean would be proud!" snapped Sam, "you said wanted redemption? How about instead of begging for it from a God who will not offer it to you, you get off your lazy ass, and find it yourself! You have a chance to save an infinite number of lives here, Judas. If that's not redemption enough then I don't know what is."

The Phantom Stranger frowned curiously, almost like he was considering the possibility... "No, Sam Winchester, I cannot." He turned on his heels and marched away, his figure fading away like a mirage in the distance. "I will not help you."

On the Breeding World, the 5th Dimension, the girls have all mostly gotten used to the schedule Eve set up for them; they would sleep 9 hours a night, and carry 3 broods a day, for 6 days a week. As time passed, Eve gradually began giving the girls more and more freedom; the chastity belts were no longer required, and birthing was allowed to happen in their individual dorms instead of collectively in the gymnasium.

Breeder-420 stood over her metal bucket, clutching her slightly bloated belly as a contraction made her double over, partly in pain, but mostly from the sudden tensing taking her breath away. Something had shifted inside her, brought out of place by the force of the push. She took a seat on the rim of her bucket as quickly as she could without stumbling and leaned forward.

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