Chapter 10

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"Shhhh!!" Dean's body was now atop them both, his finger pressed to his lips. "Don't. Make. A. Move."

Over top of them, a beam of antimatter tore through the structure around them, sending tons of concrete girders crashing down over top of them. Seeing this, Sam's eyes glowed white as he cast up a psychic force field of 5th dimensional energy around them all, shielding them from the falling debris. Through the dust, Anti-Monitor's roar rang through the air.

Their loud argument must have disturbed the giant, resting World Killer, shocking him back into a ramage mode. Anti-Monitor balled his claws and pounded his chest furiously as he sent a continuous beam of antimatter out from his eyes, disintegrating anything it came into contact with. "Nekron! Kill him!" Sam barked, "now!"

Fortunately for the Higherian scientists, Anti-Monitor's antimatter beam did not appear to have been aiming for anything in particular; it simply blasted anything that moved, which luckily, included trees that shifted in the wind, birds that were flying by, and humans from the nearby villages that came to investegate.

Anti-Monitor slowly turned his head around, the pair of antimatter beams following wherever his vision focused on, incinerating that place and all things around it instantly. "NEKRON!" Sam pushed Dean off of himself and willed the debris to move aside.

"I'M GIVING YOU AN ORDER!" His hand wrapped around Nekron's slimy, bony, and rotten arm, forcefully dragging him to his feet. "KILL IT!"

"It is an order I cannot comply with!" Nekron snapped back, "the Dark Legion are beyond my capability to claim!"

"WHAT?!" Anger and fear rose through Sam's chest as his eyes flew wide. "YOU ARE DEATH! HOW COULD YOU NOT--"

"Uhhh...guys?" Dean's shaky voice chimed in as he raised a trembling finger up at the looming shadow behind them. "That thing--"

"GET DOWN!" Sam lunged at Dean, tackling him off his feet, and out of the Protocol Room just as Anti-Monitor's antimatter blast swung back, incinerating the room they were in just moments ago. A shower of dust, sparks, and debris rained down on them once more as they landed on the hard second floor catwalk outside, their momentum causing them to slide forwards several feet, before coming to a stop.

At same time, Nekron's scream tore through the air, only to abruptly come to a stop as the hundreds of tons of metal making up the ceiling crashed down, flattening everything that was once in the Protocol Room.

Sam felt Dean's hands grab him as the squeezing sensation of teleportation followed. For a split second, they were weightless and free from danger.

Just moments later, Anti-Monitor's antimatter beams fired horizontally through the ruined building, melting what remained of the four walls, causing them to crumble. Everywhere the beam went, a trail of molten lava followed. A giant, thick dust cloud rose from the wreckage.

Sam and Dean teleported before their mess of a Control Ship; there was a deep dent in the nose, a fallen, mangled up tesla tower had knocked it onto its side, and the red paint coating was scratched and tattered beyond repair. But unlike the main building, the ship was, at least, still in one piece.

The bottom hatch was still open, meaning they were, for the least, not locked out of their only potential escape route.

Sam and Dean burst in.

~CLICK!~ ~CLICK!~ ~CLICK!~ Several laser blasters immediately locked onto their heads.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! It's us!" Sam barked, "it's us! Chill out!!!"

"Ohhh..." Mxyzptlk raised his balled fist, signaling the others, a man named Zaxary, and a third man named Xavis, to lower their weapons, "what the hell is going on?! I thought you activated Protocol: Death to kill whatever was coming through?!"

"We did. Death died. End of story." Sam rushed towards the radio system in one of the control panels, and pulled out an intercom. "Shit. It's not working!"

"Well, yeah...the electromagnetic pulse sorta fried everything up, but WAIT. Death DIED?! How--" Mxyzptlk stood frozen in shock at what he was hearing.

"Apparently." Sam ripped the control panel open and began to fiddle with the giant hurricane of wires that were hidden under the neat metal plate. "One of you get me a fucking light! I can't see shit on this ship."

Someone flicked on a flashlight and passed it into his hand.

Under the dim light of the flashlight, Sam could see that almost every wire in the radio system had been burnt out. "Spare wires!"

"Here." Mxyzptlk threw open a drawer and pulled out a toolbox filled with a giant tangle of wires in all shapes and sizes. "I don't know what wire you need!" he protested, "they all look the same!"

"I'll sort them!" Dean took the box from Sam and began working on pulling the giant jungle of rubber apart. "Start detaching the fried ones in the controls!"

"Right." Sam managed to part the wires just enough to see the places where they were welded to the circuit boards. "Soldering iron. I need a soldering iron to disconnect them!"

"Soldering iron. Here." Mxyzptlk dug through the same drawer and pulled out a massive welding iron that was used mainly for welding metal plates together, as well as a handful of welding rods made of N-th metal.. "N-th metal welding rods and iron."

"That's not a fucking soldering iron!"

"It's used for welding metal together so shouldn't it work?"

"Forget the iron! Just rip them out!" Dean barked, pushing Sam aside and grabbed handfuls of wires, ripping them out forcefully. "Copper A5 wire!" He waved his hand at Sam, "get me a Copper A5 wire!"

"A5 here!" Sam shoved a wire in his hand.

"Soldering iron!"

"Soldering iron." Sam slapped the tool into Dean's hand.

After a few minutes, a smell of burnt metal filled the room as Dean began to replace the fried up wires. "Sam! I need a B4 cable!"

"B4. here--" Just as Sam got the red cable separate from the giant tangled mess, the ship shuddered and rolled along its side, sending everyone tumbling about like a hamster who stopped too abruptly in its wheel. Gravity was weird now; instead of pulling everything straight down, they were being dragged along sideways, upwards, and slanted.

As quickly as it happened, gravity switched back to normal again, sending their crew tumbling around the room once more. Everyone stared around, frozen in fear, as if one tiny movement could trigger the end of the multiverse. All that they could hear were loud, shallow breaths of everyone's panting.

Suddenly, the vessel rocked violently again, sending everyone tumbling. Anti-Monitor was once more, sitting back to admire the breaking-down of reality, only this time, it was against their spaceship.

"That thing--it's..." Mxyzptlk looked up at the slimy patch of skin pressing up against the only, tiny window on their vessel which had long been shattered. "Shhh!!" Sam clamped his hand down on Mxyzptlk's mouth, "that thing has sharp ears!"

A crack of static sounded. The high, calm voice of the female operator on the other end began to speak. "Fifth Dimension Safety and Defense Department. What is your emergency?"

"Yo! Sam! I got it working!" Dean shouted excitedly, before turning back to the radio and barking into the microphone as fast as his tongue could move. "Hey, yo! This is Dean Winchester, chief engineer of the Science and Magic Research Department! We need an emergency wormhole evacuation here NOW!"

"NO!" Sam lunged at Dean, clamping his hand down on his assistant's mouth, whisper-screaming into his ear. "That thing--Anti-Monitor. It'll hear you and--"

"Grrrrr...." A deep, throaty growl sounded outside, as the patch skin pressed against the window moved away, replaced by a glowing yellow eye that peered inside the ship. The room shifted slightly as Anti-Monitor's weight shifted away.

"--kill us all."

The yellow eyes glowed with antimatter, radiating heat waves as it narrowed, locking onto its target.

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