Chapter 38

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The carcasses of the Gentry still lay strewn about in Universe Ground Zero, their energies still trapped within their bodies. The first step would be to break them down and assimilate that power into his own bloodstream. Returning to his home, he found a nice, comfortable chair to sit in as he began to digest.

On Universe Ground Zero, Adam and Eve watched in amazement as the Gentry slowly disintegrated before their eyes, releasing their cosmic energies into the air... "Adam?" Eve called from the nest, "help!"

"Coming!" Grabbing on the thick pillars of hardened magma, he began to climb.

Sam felt the power swelling up inside him, just waiting to be redirected for use. He had no proof, but his gut told him, this power was not going to be enough to take down the Empty Hand. He needed an army, and he needed one fast. Getting up, he headed for the basement, where he kept all his laboratory equipment. Perhaps there was a solution somewhere in there...

Flicking on the lights, he grabbed a feather duster hanging off a hook and began to dust off his equipment. His lab was massive--nearly 100 feet in width and 150 feet in length, and loaded with every single flask, electronic analyzer, and chemical one can imagine. Powerful LED lights lit up every corner of the room, and everything was organized perfectly.

"Let's see here..." he muttered to himself. He needed a biochemical weapon of some kind, either to help him fight the coming war, or to stop the enemy before it could begin. Pulling up a chair, he sat down in front of his lab computer and started pulling up old files to see if there was anything he could use (there wasn't nearly enough time to start from scratch).

Over the years, he had accumulated many files on various weapons and chemicals he considered using to take down the Overmonitor Mar Novu. All of that was still stored on his PC and has stayed there ever since Dax Novu showed up. He never thought he'd have use for all of that. Antimatter Bomb, Pocket Dimension Trap, Inter-Dimensional Banishment: all either concepts that worked only on paper or simply didn't work at all.

Accelerated that seemed interesting, he thought. Clicking it open, he quickly read it over to refresh his memory:

By genetically modifying a rare strain of fast mutating virus, I found that injecting even small doses of it into a living creature can trigger extreme cell mutations in very short amounts of time. By splicing its DNA with the eggs of some rapidly multiplying insects, I was able to create accelerated mutations in its descendents, vastly speeding up the rate of their evolution.

Of course, this virus had its own flaws, the most obvious being getting close enough to jab a syringe into the enemy's body. Something told him the Empty Hand was not going to quietly stand there and let himself be stabbed.

There was that and the fact that it was simply not deadly enough; while fatal to just about every species in the Multiverse, it simply wasn't powerful enough to affect his kind. Not only did 5th Dimensional Beings like himself have near impenetrable skin and their advanced matter manipulation powers gave them the ability to quickly and effectively self-purge any infected cells and regenerate them just as quickly.

That was the main reason why the virus was stored in an unlocked fridge in syringes instead of a reinforced safe. Digging deeper into the safe, he discovered a tray of frozen, unhatched insect eggs--eggs he had infused the virus into. "This might be useful..." Leaving them under a warm lamp to thaw, he went upstairs, he created a microscopic avatar of himself which he sent back to Universe Ground Zero...

"Come on, Adam, what's the hold up?!" Eve groaned as Adam desperately hammered away at the rock-hard substance binding her in place, "just break it and let me out!"

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