Chapter 24

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A/N: In this fanfiction, The Presence(God) is the writer, Destiny of The Endless is you(the reader), and Destiny's book is this fanfiction. I know, it's a bit abstract, but if you think about it, it makes sense. And that would basically make this fanfiction have the most OP reader-insert and most OP self-insert ever! LOL

Sam had prepared an entire army of Doomites to fight for him, created from the best of the best sentient lifeforms collected from all across the Multiverse. Three billion people infected with his modified strain of the Doomsday Virus rolled off the first production line...ready to obey, ready to fight what is to come.

But that number began to drop fast...Death of The Endless' prophecy proved true down to the last letter; the Empty Hand burst through the Antimatter Wall into the 5th Dimension at exactly ten P.M. the next day. To his disgust, the blighted ones that caked the surface of Sam's home world surged toward him as per their programming. Fifteen minutes later, all of the planet's surface was gone. Wiped away.

A devil had come to scorch the Multiverse. We all felt it, everyone magically attuned felt the Empty Hand cross over from the beyond and take his first burning footsteps upon the 5th Dimension. Sam felt him begin to extinguish the Doomites and he knew, this creature had not come to play. He had come to end everything.

The green cloak of the Spectre fluttered around his body. Deep in his subconscious, he could still hear the Spectre screaming, commanding him to release him. He had long learned to block him out. The tower in which he resided crumbled to the ground around him while he remained levitated in the air.

The Empty Hand spoke in a booming bellow. "This is my world now! I will burn this Multiverse to cinders and fease upon its carcass!"

"You know? Eating burnt food can cause cancer!" Sam announced sarcastically, "but hey, I don't like you, so you insist on sending yourself to an early grave, go right ahead!"

"Your arrogance is astounding!" snarled the Empty Hand, "my omnipotence is celestial. It might as well be magic in your eyes." In a flash of green light, Sam grew, hundreds of feets in mere seconds, so that he was on eye level with the giant god. "You touched what was mine. You choose this death."

By 'what was his,' he meant the Gentry, of course...and by killing them, the servants of the Empty Hand and stealing the energy they had within them, granted to them by their master, Sam's might had grown, far beyond that of any, of anything. "Bold words." said Sam, "you still have to kill me first, remember?"

They met in Sam's private universe, a bubble realm within the 5th Dimension, a world that was designed to be his own personal paradise. Until it was destroyed by Nyarlathotep and then rebuilt again. In just his arrival alone, the Empty Hand murdered three billion, ten thousand three hundred and forty-five people.

He absorbed their residual energies in preparation for the fight that is to come--a fight, he too, knew was going to be brutal. "I hope they are not just empty words, Sam Winchester," the Empty Hand sneered, "it's been too long since I've faced a foe worthy of me."

"We'll see, won't we?!" With the momentum of the entire Speed Force, Sam bull rushed him, firing his heat vision at the Empty Hand's chest, "let's find out!" All of his other abilities were enhanced not too; his blast hit with the power of the Spectre, with the strength of the Anti-Monitor, enhanced by all of the force he stole from the Lords of Order, and hundreds of thousands of angry, cursed souls behind the blow.

It was enough to make his opponent stagger but not nearly enough to do any significant damage. "I've encountered quarrelsome mortals with more bite!" He roared with arrogance, "how disappointing!" He punched Sam, square in the jaw, sending him soaring across the planet's surface, his giant form demolishing entire building structures as he skidded to a stop.

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