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-y/n's pov- 

I sit in the great hall , mindlessly munching on a piece of buttered oats as i wave a hand over the book , making the page change with a flick of my hand. I sigh heavily, swallowing and reaching for my pumpkin juice. Tuesday mornings are hard. Especially when you found nothing at the library the day before and got stuck borrowing the same book as the week before, even though you've already read it two times. There a two thumps next to me , and i stop mid-bite of my toast. I swallow heavily , hand over my mouth. 

"Can i help you ?" Hewp. Never talk with your mouth full , y/n. god dammit

"I'm Fred-" 

"And I'm George." Fred pushes back a strand of hair from my face, eyes darting to my lips. 

"And you're..gorgeous." My skin tingles at the touch , his fingertips warm and soft against my cold cheeks. 

"The Weasley twins , right ?" His hand trails to my nose, which he boops. I chuckle. 

"I've heard some things. i can't testify if it was good or bad."  Fred smirks , sitting up straight. 

"We've heard things too.." He says , running his tongue over his upper row of teeth. I fold the corner of my page and and close the book. 

"About you."  I frown. I've barely even  been here for a little over a week

"What could you have possible heard ? I've just started my second week here."  Fred chuckles. 

" We heard you attend dances-" 

"Picnics with flowers-"

"Hand holding, hugs, and-" I stammer , cutting off their call and response twin thing. 

"Dating ?"  George nods. 

"With the Riddle kid." I frown. 

"Riddle-Mattheo ?!" My chin juts forward , my neck seeming to shrink between my shoulders at the thought. Disgust creeps up my spine. I gag. 

"We're not dating." Fred shrugs , pursing his lips as his hypnotising honey eyes  widen. 

"Not what he says." I scoff. 

"Well , whatever he says is lies. So, don't believe him." George shrugs , replicating the exact movement his brother did earlier. 

"We don't blame you , though. " Fred nods. 

"Mattheo's cool." I rise to my feet , grabbing the heavy book and hoisting it in my arms. 

"Yeah,  well , guys who spread lies aren't cool in my book. Especially ones i don't like." I grab my bag and leave , still munching on a piece of toast. I storm to my dorm , groaning and muttering. I kick the door open, and thorw my bag on. the floor. 

"fuck ! Fucking , riddle ! God , he's such an arse , i mean honestly-" 

"y/n , are you alright ?" My eyes snap open as i take in Pansy , hanging a poster on the wall. 

"Pansy ! Why are you- how are you- what ?" I say , screamin gout the last word in a high-pitched squeal. 

"Well , i saw you had nothing in your room , and i have way to many things so i thought that- what's this with Mattheo ?" She asks , sticking the last corner of the poster to the wall near my window. Its large, a huge moon crying in the centre of a starry night sky. Women are kneeling around it, a lake surrounding them. The words "THE MOON" are written beneath. It look a lot like those tarot cards muggles use to predict their future.

"Uh-nothing-i-" I'm breathless, panting. 

"I just- people think i'm dating Riddle." I say , pinching the bridge of my nose and sinking down on my bed. She sits down next to me. 

"Is that-a bad thing ?" She asks , laying her hand on my shoulder. 

"Yes ! I barely know the guy."  I say , pushing my hair away. She sighs , gently getting to her feet and frowning. 

"What is it ?" 

"It just , doesn't seem like something he would do. Mattheo doesn't lie." I sigh and groan. 

"The why would-why would Fred and George tell me other wise?" She chuckles. 

"They are a bunch of dim-wits , don't listen to them. But , just to be sure, ask him." I nod. 

"Yeah. I will." 

-mattheo's pov- 

I sit in the common room , too lazy to go to class. Guess i'll just skip. I see Pansy and y/n walk out , y/n shooting me a dirty glare as they walk past. My whole body stills, my heart beating out of my chest. Did i do something wrong ? Why-what did i do ? With my heart beating out of my chest i walk behind them , following them to class. To my despair, they sit next to each other. I take the last free seat. 

"Uhm , can i help you ?" Granger. I turn , and give her a wide smile. 

"Actually , you can." Her face lights up. 

"I can ?" 

"Yeah , i need help with y/n." Her mouth hangs open. 

"Shut the front door !" The urge to roll my eyes is gnawing at me. God , why doesn't she just curse ?! 

"You and y/n ?" I shake my head. 

"No , no , we're not dating- i just- i just need help asking her out , i guess ?" She clamps her hands together. 

"No fricken way !" I bite my tongue. JUST CURSE !!!

"Can you help me ?" Her smile falls. 

"Well, y/n and i , aren't all that close , but-" My heart flutters. 

"I'll try my best." I sigh heavily , head dropping. 

"Thank you , Granger." 

"It's Hermione." She says , nose scrunching. 

"Right. Hermione." I turn my head and my eyes find hers , dark and hooded eyes glaring back at me. I wave at her, smiling a little. She rolls her eyes and throws me her fakest smile, holding up her middle finger. 

"Damn." I look to the side. Harry's mouth is wide open. 

"I don't know what you did , but she is pissed off as fuck." 

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