Hardin Chapter 38

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I went to look for her at the apartment but she wasn't there, she wasn't at the office either so the only place she could be was at school. I knew I couldn't show up empty handed so I bought her a bouquet of white roses because I know she loves them, I contemplated wether I should wait by her class but I didn't wanna make a scene in the hallway. I saw Brian's car in the parking lot and knew that him and Tessa probably came here together, just thinking about them together makes me wanna kill my self.


I wait out here for twenty minutes until the doors open and students eager to find a purpose with their lives pour out, everyone is pretending to be someone they aren't. But I'm not really one to talk.

After a few seconds that's when I see her, she's wearing an outfit completed fully by my clothes and that softens the blow that I get when I see Brian wrap his arm around her. They look at each other and they both laugh and in that moment she looked so happy. My heart sinks and the sudden urge to destroy Brian's face washes over me, I'm the one that should make her smile, and I'm the one who makes her laugh, I'm the only one that can touch her............this isn't how it's supposed to be, she's not supposed to be in another mans arms. She's mine.

Brian's eyes meet mine and that little bitch gets scared, good.

He quickly drops his arm and stops walking, Tessa's eyes meet mine and her smile fades and all I can see are clouded eyes and uneasy body language. I can't tell if she's happy to see me, I can't read her like I used to be able to. I would be able to tell everything that she was feeling, whenever she was uncomfortable or scared or when she was overthinking........but now.....she's shut me out.

I get off his shit colored car and walk up to her, I see him whisper something to her and she shakes her head.

"Can we talk?" I desperately ask.

She looks at the flowers in my hand before she looks up at my eyes and I can see that she fighting tears, her bottom lip trembles and she pulls it between her bottom teeth. She reaches forward and takes the flowers in her hands, she brings them up to her nose and closes her eyes while she smells them. In an instant she throws her flowers on the ground, she looks over at Brian.

"Can you take me home please?" She says in a broken voice.

"Yeah, come on." He says.

She walks past me but I grab her elbow and stop her, she spins around and yanks her arm away.

"Don't touch me!"

"Tessa I..."

She cuts me off.

"I swear to god Hardin, if you say "I'm sorry" I'm gonna throw something at you. Just leave me the hell alone!"

"I just wanna talk, please just let me explain."

She breaks into laughs and sobs at the same time.

"EXPLAIN! You want to explain? You fucking accused me of cheating on you then you broke you with me on a piece of FUCKING paper! You disappeared for 4 DAYS and blocked me on EVERYTHING! You have some nerve showing up like this!"

People stare as they walk past us and Brian looks uncomfortable.

"Tessa he isn't worth it, let's just go." He tells her.

He extends his hand and takes her arm and tries to guide her to the passenger side of the car, I grab his arm and pull him off her.

"Don't touch her you worthless piece of shit." I spit.

He pushes me off.

"Don't talk to me like that, you're nothing to me and by what I've heard you're not much to anyone else either." He fires back.

I usually don't care about what people say but for some reason this hurt, what did Tessa tell him about me?

I look over at her and see that she's crying.

"Tess please, just hear me out." I beg.

"No! You hurt me! You hurt me time after time, that's all you ever do!"

She's right, I know she is.


She stops what she's saying and coughs into her arm before she sneezes a few times, is she sick.

When she looks back up at me her eyes and nose are red and she's crying, she sniffles before she wipes her nose on her sleeve.

"You said my dog deserved to die..............that's my grandma that's got Alzheimer's is lucky to forget what an AWFUL PERSON I AM! And you..............you said that my grandfather that died would be disappointed in me!"


"I know what I said what wrong, but I didn't mean any of it."

"I've heard that one before, I've heard it too many times Hardin."

"Tess please...."

"NO! What did you expect Hardin? That you could disappear for 4 days and magically show up with flowers and I would just forgive you? THAT I WOULD RUN INTO YOUR ARMS AFTER YOU BROKE MY HEART!...........That we would go back to the apartment and you would fuck me and all would be forgotten? Well not this time............you left me! You gave up on me! You gave up on us! Now you deal with it!"

She opens the car door and gets inside the passenger side while Brian gets in the drivers side. I watch her through the windshield and see her cry as he drives away.

I pull at my hair and I fall to my knees and start to cry.

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