Chapter 21

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Ravyn threw the bread at Katsuki, hitting him in the head with it before throwing the other ingredients at him.

"Slow down, I only have two hands!" He chuckled, trying to catch the food.

"And yet you find ways to do more than just catch food in the bed." She laughed, her eyes sparkling brightly.

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Do we even need all of this for the recipe?"

"Lettuce. Tomatoes. Pickles. Onions. Cheese. Bread. Turkey. Ham. I feel like I'm missing something." She thought for a moment. "Oh! The condiments." She spoke slowly before repeating herself, "The condoments." Ray started cracking up.

Katsuki shook his head. "It wouldn't be you if you didn't make a lewd joke out of an item name."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that wasn't funny."

"Maybe a little. But either way we need to hurry up, they'll be here soon!"

"Then stop yapping and start chopping." She teased, sliding over next to him and starting to slice up the tomato, "...Race ya."

"With knives? You realize how dangerous that is?!" He smirked, grabbing a knife and some lettuce. "I'm in."

"And this is why we work so well together." She giggled, placing her slices in a small dish before reaching for another. After feeling around the stack of food she looked over at it. "I could have sworn there were more-"

Her little brother came around the corner, spitting out bits of tomato. "This is a rotten apple!"

"It's not an apple-"

"Was that the last tomato?"

"Apparently." She grumbled, "Ima run out to my garden and grab another real quick." She set down her knife and slipped on a pair of crocs, not realizing what she had said.


"Garden-Garden? What garden?" She started to giggle nervously.

"Show me."

"Show you what?"

"Your garden."

"I have a garden-?"

"Ray," he smiled. "It's nothing to be embarrassed by."

"Tell that to the school." She mumbled, "You're not gonna drop this are you?"

"Your secret is safe with me."

"It's better be or you'll wake up one morning without your dick." She growled, although her eyes were much softer than her tone suggested.

"Don't worry baby, I won't tell anyone."

Ray mumbled something under her breath before motioning for him to follow her as she opened the sliding glass doors on the other side of the room. Her golden retriever, Roscco barked before running towards the open door.

Kat followed behind, excited to see this so-called 'garden'.

After a minute, Ravyn brushed away some ivy on a brick wall and revealed a keypad which she punched a code into. A door swung open to expose a large garden, lattices strewn about and giant patches of various different vegetables dotting the land.

"You did all of this?"

She nodded. "Mhm."

"Screw the bedroom I'm gonna fuck you in the garden from now on." He chuckled, turning to kiss her. "Now where are those tomatoes at."

She snickered, kissing him back before pointing across a water fountain. "Behind the pumpkin patch after the fountain."

He nodded, disappearing and soon returning with a tomato. "Let's get back to work, they'll be here in the next 20 minutes."

"Last one to finish ten sandwiches has to ride up the mountain bareback."

"Eeehh I'd much rather ride on the same horse as you, and I'd like to have a saddle if we're riding on your horse."

"Oh come on, Bruciatura isn't that bad to ride."

"No, I'm saying you'd loose." He teased.

"Wanna bet pretty boy?" She grinned.

"Wanna bet on what?" Gwen asked, coming around the corner with a picnic basket. "What are you guys doing and why do I have a feeling it involves knives-"

"Making sandwiches. Aggressively."

"That's one way to put it." Kat chuckled.

"With you everything's aggressive babe."


"So I take it you're nowhere near ready to go then."

"Nope. My brother thought a tomato was an apple and ate it."

"That sucks. I on the other hand, made a pie this morning." She grinned. "Well, I made one last night but someone decided it needed to be taste-tested, which turned into that someone's siblings taste testing it, which turned into them eating the whole pie." She glared at Shoto.

"You know better than to leave a pie sitting out. You've known this since we were five."

"I left it on the cooling rack at my house when you weren't even over. I thought it was safe; but apparently you can smell baked goods from two houses away."


"That's unnatural. And you can't blame me. I had all the doors locked so I still don't know how the hell you got in. Let alone all your siblings."

"There are things that I can do that I'd rather not explain for a while."

"Well the point is, you need to stop breaking into my house to eat things; whether it's baked goods or the person who made them."


Ravyn cracked up laughing. "Good! I'm not the only one with that problem."

"Except I practically live here." Kat corrected, "I have a house key so it's not like I'm desperate enough to break in." He shook his head, tossing Shoto an onion. "Now make yourself useful and start chopping."

Sho caught the onion and snickered, "Remember in 8th grade when you grabbed a red pepper, thinking it was an apple and ate it raw."

"Yeah, most delicious apple I ever ate." He joked, returning to chopping lettuce.

"What about the time I poured Devil's tongue hot sauce into your cranberry juice." Ray snickered, glancing up at Sho who winced at the memory.

"I will never again leave my drink unattended."

"Okay, that's nothing compared to the time Ray and I swapped the mayonnaise for vanilla pudding and the pudding for Mayo at the school picnic." Gwen laughed.

Ray laughed, "Ryan still ate it! Ok ok ok. What about the time in third grade when he had forgotten to do his chores and his mom came walking in, screeching in Spanish, with her chancla in hand."

"Or the trip to that one water park where we convinced ash to go down the slide where we all rode on a giant raft together, and when we hit that dark turn he started panicking in Portuguese."

"Didnt he end up crying in Ryan's lap?"

"Yeah" Gwen laughed. "Good times."

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