Chapter 47

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Shoto got home from school at a later hour than usual and quickly set up his homework. He had a 10 page research paper due by the next morning and he hadn't even started on it yet. 

Sho plopped down on their old couch, making it creak and groan under his weight as he turned on his Mac laptop and pulled up Word. A good four hours passed before he zonked out, his computer falling to the floor with a crash.

The noise awoke Gwen, and she emerged from their room, pepper spray in hand and wearing nothing but one of her husband's oversized t-shirts. When she realized it was just his computer falling, she relaxed, making her way over and picking it up. She checked it for damage before setting it on the coffee table, making sure his work had been saved before turning to Shoto.

She gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, getting a good whiff of his scent for the first time in what felt like a while. They hadn't had much time together since he started school, and she wanted to be near him every moment she could. 

She turned off his laptop and disappeared into their room before returning with a throw blanket. She quickly turned off the lights, making sure the door was locked before heading back over to the couch. She adjusted his position so he wouldn't mess up his neck before laying down on top of him and using his chest as a pillow. She pulled the blanket over the both of them, snuggling in and taking a deep breath, relishing every rise and fall of his chest. 

She closed her eyes, beginning to fall back into sleep. Then after a moment she felt a set of tiny paws on her back; so she looked to find bean curled up on sho's feet and Mochi walking across her. Mochi laid on sho's chest next to her face, and Gwen closed her eyes again as the sounds of his breathing lulled her back to sleep.


Shoto tried to roll over as his phone's alarm went off, only to find a strange weight on his chest. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled softly as he took in the sight. His family, however small it was, could fit on top of him. 

Gwen shifted, her eyes opening a bit at his loud alarm. "Turn it off..." she mumbled.

Sho reached over and turned off the alarm. "Good morning."

"No morning..." she mumbled, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

"I know, but I have to get ready for school." He replied regretfully.

She sighed. "Do you have to go?"

"Technically no but if I want to graduate, it'd be a good idea."

She huffed. "I have work this morning too, so it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for me to get up as well." She begrudgingly rolled over and off of him, landing on the floor with a soft thud. "If I am part of the floor I don't have to go to work, because floors don't have to make a living. Also ouch."

He chuckled, "Are you ok?"

"No. I don't want you to leave. And I also don't want to have to go to work."

He sat up, taking her hand and pulling her into his lap. "I don't want to go either, but I have to." He brushed a piece of hair from her face and gazed lovingly into her hues, "It won't be long before I won't have to go to school anymore."

She sighed, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. "I know, but it still feels like its an eternity away..."

"Now you know how I felt waiting for you." He teased, playfully tickling her sides.

She giggled. "Okay, fair enough."

Bean meowed angrily from the floor, staring up at his parents expectantly while Mochi batted around their food bowls in the other room.

"Looks like someone's hungry." Gwen smiled as bean jumped up next to them on the couch. She reached out and pet bean for a moment.

Shoto scratched under Bean's chin. "Watch over her while I'm gone." He said before kissing Gwen on the cheek, "I have to get up now."

She sighed, getting off of him and stretching. "It's too early to be alive." She huffed, shuffling into the office to feed the cats.

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