Chapter 37

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Gwen sat up in her hospital bed, watching the clock as she anxiously waited for her boyfriend to arrive.'I hope he brings a snack-' she thought. 'I'm kinda hungry now that I think about it-'

It wasn't long before he appeared, a bright grin on his face. "Hey baby~" He purred, backpack slung over his shoulder.

She grinned. "Right on time, as always." She patted the open spot next to her. "So how was school?"

"Lonely without you there." He replied, sitting down and shifting to kiss her, "How was your day?"

"Lonely and boring, as always. And they've been out of Oreos and mom and dad haven't had time to leave to go buy me some Oreosspeakingofwhichdoyouhaveanyoreos?"

He pulled off his backpack, rummaging through it for a minute before pulling out a small sleeve of them. "It's my last one."

Her eyes sparkled and she made a grabby motion with her hands. "Gimmie!"

"What's the magic word?"


He passed her the package before pulling out the homework.

She immediately opened it and shoved a cookie in her mouth, covering herself in crumbs in the process.

"Messy much?" He chuckled.

"But it's good-" she replied, shoving another cookie in her already full mouth.

"So are you and I have no room to speak-"

"There are only two things in this world that I will allow myself to choke on; Oreos and you."

He laughed, "Alright we should stop with the chemistry and work on math."

"But why math-" she whined. "There's plenty of other subjects-"

"Because it's easier to get the hard stuff out of the way first."

She huffed. "Can we just snuggle instead?"

"We can snuggle while we work. Would you rather just fall behind?"

She paused. "But I want snuggles-"

"We can snuggle while we work." He repeated. "Like when reading."

She shoved another cookie in her mouth and made a pouty face. "Please...?"

"Fine... for just a little while."

She grinned and did her best to snuggle up against him. "Just be careful of my boobs, they're tender right now."

He stared at her for a moment with his brow furrowed.


"No one ever told me you were broke there too-"

"What do you-" she raised an eyebrow. "Wait, why do you think they hurt?"

"Because they dropped you-?"She giggled. "No, I'm on my period, silly. Because of my hormones it makes my boobs tender." She poked one of her breasts and winced. "Mainly because of inflammation, which is why they get bigger... you probably haven't noticed but it's a big difference for me-... like a whole cup size different."

"...It's official. I'm an idiot."

"No you're not," she laughed. "It's not your fault you don't know."

He just chuckled and put his arm around her as he kissed her forehead.

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