Chapter 30

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Gwen kept her head down as she walked through the halls. Murmurs filled the air and all eyes were on her as she tried to avoid all eye contact. People watched her, disgust painting their features. 

Someone stuck their leg out in front of her, causing her to trip and fall. Everyone laughed and a few people repeatedly kicked her every time she tried to get back up. Eventually they got bored and left as she collected herself and stood back up, fighting back tears as she continued to make her way to her locker. 

She passed more angry students, keeping her eyes trained on the ground. She caught a glimpse of Shoto's multi-colored hair in her Peripheral vision, and a tear slipped down her cheek as her heart ached.

Shoto had gone back to his stoic self, resembling his father without even realizing it. Whenever anyone tried to cheer him up, he'd make the simple excuse of "I don't have time for this" before leaving.

Gwen picked up her pace a bit, hurrying around a corner.

Out of nowhere a strong hand grabbed her and pulled her into the janitor's closet; closing the door behind her.

Her body trembled and her voice was hushed as she spoke. "What are you gonna do? Rape me? Beat me?"

Suddenly the light turned on, and she rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the brightness.

Kat and Ryan were standing in front of her, worry clouding their gazes.

"Are you okay?" Kat whispered, noticing she was crying.

"What do you want from me?!" She sobbed, taking a step back as her emotions began to overwhelm her. "Just get it over with already!"

Kat gave Ryan a look as Gwen wiped the tears from her eyes, only for them to immediately be replaced by new ones.

Kat looked at Gwen for a moment before pulling her into a hug. "It's okay, we're not mad. I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone. It was really out of character. You're a good person and wouldn't purposely do anything like that. Although ray disagrees, so stay as far as you can from her."

Gwen trembled in his arms. "I don't want your sympathy. I did what I did. I take the fault for my actions." She managed to choke out.

He gently rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her. "I know you better than that." He looked to Ryan for help.

"It may have been your actions but it's not your fault. Shoto could have pushed away his feelings to concentrate on the game. We could have lost the game anyway. No one knows. Consequences of bad timing may be dire, but from the ashes of a burned city we can build a new empire."

"When did you get so poetic?" Kat laughed.

"Since Ash made me read Edgar Allen Poe."

"Fair enough."

"The last thing I want on my on record is another mark for being late to class." Gwen sniffed, pulling away and opening the door. "But thank you."

"Be careful, Gwen."

She nodded. "I will."

 With that she left, heading to class. She sat down in front of Shoto, ignoring the dirty looks she got from everyone.

Sho averted his eyes to a book, actively avoiding her. 

Ray strutted into the room, her eyes bright with anger. "Bueno, si no es el pequeño coño en sí. ¿Volver a arruinar más vidas con tu lamentable existencia?" She spat.

(Well, if it's not the little pussy herself. Are you here to Re-ruin more lives with your unfortunate existence?)

Gwen just sighed, staring at her hands and ignoring her friend. 

Class came and went, and Gwen soon found herself changed and heading out onto the football field to teach the younger classes the cheer routine.

"And now for the big toss, it's the hardest part."

The designated group crossed their arms and joined hands.

"You gotta keep your body straight like a plank." She sighed, laying back into their arms as she flattened her body and crossed her arms. The others quickly explained how to get her into the air before counting down. Gwen took a breath, closing her eyes as they launched her. She felt herself flying through the air, counting the seconds before she felt herself begin to fall. She held her breath, waiting for the feeling of their arms catching her.

But it never came.

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