Chapter 27

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-Friday morning, 2:00 AM- 

-days remaining until the game: 0-

Gwen slept peacefully, curled up with Shoto's varsity jacket.

A small whoosh of air could be heard before the loud sound of glass breaking shattered the silence. Shards of deadly stars glittered as they slashed her blankets and scattered throughout the room; the light of night glimmering off of each of the fragments. A heavy, dark reddish-brown block nearly landed in Gwen's lap as it became quiet again.

Gwen sat up startled, staring at the brick and the thick envelope that was strapped to it. She picked up the brick, pulling the package off of it and opening it cautiously.

'You just can't get it through your oversized head, can you? This is your final warning cunt. I'm not playing games anymore. I'm sure Dante would love to see that scrawny, naked little body of yours. I can't wait for his sweaty hands to caress those bony legs of yours, for his long fingers to slide into your STD infested pussy. I bet you'd moan out his name all night long and beg for him to pound into you more. 'HaRdEr! FaStEr DaDdY!'Your loving boyfriend would be so broken when he found out his little princess was cheating on him. You're such a little whore, pleading for a guy to show you affection. Every piece of you is trash and I'm betting even the most needy guys wouldn't touch your tiny pathetic form. Your very existence is uglier than sin itself. Just wait until the photos enclosed in this envelope get spread throughout social media. Every little pervert's eyes would be on that pitiful frame. Although I think the job would be done so much better if I were to kill you and Shoto at the game tomorrow.'

Gwen's eyes widened as she read the note, her heart dropping with every word; yet she dared to continue reading.

'And it would just take a single droplet of the western taipan's venom in the water supply, to make the entire team drop dead in their tracks. Break up with him before the cheer routine during half time at the game tomorrow or else.'

She pulled the photos out of the envelope. They were pictures of her, naked in the girl's locker room. Some from every angle; with clear images of all her bits and pieces.

She quickly stuffed everything back into the envelope, shoving it and the brick under her bed before reaching for her phone.

She pulled up Shoto's number and pressed the call button.

Sho rolled over in his bed, trying to block out the noise of his phone before finally picking it up. His voice was deep and raspy with sleep. "Hello?"

"Hey... C-could you-" she cleared her throat. "Could you come over and help me... uh... my window broke and there's glass everywhere-"

He immediately sat up in bed, wide awake. "What happened?!"

"I don't know... it just... shattered. I'd investigate further but I don't have anything on my feet and my bed is surrounded by tiny bits of broken glass-"

"I'll be right over."

"Okay, thank you so much."

"Anything for you~"

She smiled. "I'll see you in a few."

"See you soon." He said, quickly getting up and ending the call.

It was only a few minutes before he found himself at her house. Shoto rapidly looked for the key they had hidden under a rock and unlocked the door, racing up to her room in his pjs.

She sat up, looking at him sheepishly. "We have two options here; you can get me a pair of shoes so I can get up and we can board up the window, or we can slowly clean this up." She sighed, looking at her alarm clock. "And since we have the big game tomorrow I vote for the first since we both need sleep. We can always clean it up later."

He nodded, "Are you alright though?"

"I think so..." she looked at her trembling hands. "Just a little startled."

"Alright, I'll be right back." He replied before running back downstairs. After a couple of minutes, he returned with a pair of sandals.

"Toss 'em." She held out her hands to catch the shoes, and he quickly tossed them to her.

She quickly slipped them on and slid out of bed, heading down to the garage where she found an adequately sized piece of plywood, screws, and a drill. She took them back up to her room and (with Shoto's assistance) boarded up the window.

Once the window was boarded up he looked at her with a worried expression before pulling her into a hug. "Are you sure you'll be alright here tonight?"

She nodded. "I'll be fine. You don't need to worry, I can take care of myself." She gave him a comforting smile. "I love you~"

"I love you too, so very much." He placed a loving kiss on her lips before pulling away, "I'll see you tomorrow at the game right?"

She nodded again. "Right. Oh, and In case I don't get the chance to talk to you again before the game; I wanted to wish you good luck."

"I don't need to be wished good luck since you'll be there~" He smiled brightly. "You're my good luck charm, baby girl."

"Well, I'll be cheering my hardest."

"See you tomorrow."

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