Chapter 36

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beep... beep... beep... beep...

Gwen lay still in her hospital bed.


'what's that noise and why is it so goddamn loud-' she thought, as she tried to scratch an itch on her face.

Her arm wouldn't move.

She groggily forced her eyes open, squinting in the bright light of the room. She felt light-headed from the machines that were forcing her to breathe; trying and struggling to do so on her own with the oxygen being forced into her. She looked around, her entire body aching and sore as she tried to figure out where she was. 

She consciously felt the IV in her arm, the loud beeping still prominent in her ears. She slowly took in the room, noticing the open door. She tried again to lift her arm.

It was heavy.

She tried to turn her head.

That wouldn't work either.

Her back hurt worse than anything else; to the point it made her want to cry and scream but also stay quiet, curl up in a ball and hide for fear of worsening the pain.

Her head hurt too.

It was throbbing and spinning all at the same time.

A nurse poked her head around the door, relief in her expression as she locked eyes with Gwen. The nurse said something she couldn't hear before calling someone over.

The next thing Gwen knew her parents were in the room, and the beeping stopped. They came over and she saw them crying, as well as their mouths moving, but she couldn't hear what they were saying.

The ringing in her ears was still too loud; and everything she could hear sounded like it was underwater.

They gave her some medication and sat up the bed a bit more, and eventually she could begin to hear again.

Kind of.

"Can you hear us?" She was able to make out her mom was speaking.

She slowly blinked in response.

"Call the police department, they might be able to send someone over to ask her a few basic questions." Her dad said to one of the nurses.

"Honey do you know who we are?" Worry clouded her mom's gaze.

She blinked in response as she began to hear them clearly.

"Do you think you could talk?"

She gave them an unsure look.

In a moment, they had replaced the ventilator with a simple oxygen tube.

"Try and say something, sweetheart."

She opened her mouth a bit, only able to let out a quiet breath before looking defeated.

"So that's a no." Her mother sighed sadly. "But you can understand us, right?"

She blinked again.

"Do you remember how you got here?"

Gwen gave them a blank look.

"Like what happened, why you're in the hospital?"

She closed her eyes, trying to recall what had gone down; but her brain acted like it was half asleep, and she just couldn't remember.

She looked back at her parents with a sad and confused look in her eyes.

"We'll have to see what the investigators do, but I think she might have short-term amnesia." Her father sighed. "It could be long-term, but we have no way to tell yet. We also don't know how much she forgot-"

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