Chapter 29

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Fuyumi cracked open the door to Shoto's room, walking over to him. He was laying on his bed, face down in the pillows.

"Hey, you need to get up and eat something, it's 3 pm already."

He didn't reply.

His sister gently rubbed his back. "I saw the video."

He lifted his head to look at her, his eyes red from crying. dark circles sat underneath them, since he had spent most of the night up in tears. "Video?"

"You don't know?"

He looked confused.

Fuyumi pulled out her phone. "It's all over social media, people have been tagging you like crazy so I'm surprised your phone isn't blowing up."

He rolled over and sat up. "That's because it's powered off." He reached over and held button to power it back on. For a moment, all was silent.

Then notifications flooded his screen, and it began so furiously vibrating that it nearly fell off his nightstand.

Fuyumi caught it before it tumbled over the edge, opening up TikTok to show him the video. She held up the phone for him to see.

'Figured out why they lost the game.' The title read.

"I'm breaking up with you."

"Wait what?!"

"I'm breaking up with you."

His eyes widened. "Someone recorded that?" He whispered, as the video continued.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's not-"

The video started from the beginning again, signaling it had played the full clip.

"The comments were so bad Gwen had to delete her account." Fuyumi sighed.

"What are they saying?"

Fuyumi pulled up the comment section, clearing her throat as Natsuo entered and Touya leaned against the doorframe.

"'I can't believe she would be so selfish'," Fuyumi sighed. "'This girl is a monster. She couldn't have waited till after the game?! They were winning until half time, and because of her they lost the game and their scholarships.' Another one says 'maybe this was her plan all along, and she's finally showing her true colors.'"

Mochi entered past Touya, heading over to the bed and jumping up into Shoto's lap.

"'So this is why Shoto was so out of it the rest of the game.'

'At first I was mad at Shoto for failing us, but now I'm mad at Gwen for being such a selfish bitch. You have my full sympathy, @therealshoto_'

'damn, even Heather wouldn't pull shit like this.'

'@gwenosaurusrex this is a whole new low for you'

'Why would she break his heart at such a crucial time? a mega douchey move. I can't believe her; regretting voting for her as prom queen. My sister doesn't need someone like you in her life.'"

Shoto raised an eyebrow. "Who said that?"

Fuyumi hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"If nothing else, I want to know." Touya glared from the doorway, crossing his arms.

Fuyumi swallowed, looking back down at her phone. "It was Carson."

"Carson?" Sho tried to look at her phone screen. "Carson Blackburn?"

Fuyumi shook her head. "Huston."

His eyes widened. "Wait, violet's brother?"

Fuyumi nodded. "Do you want me to keep going?"

"...sure." He whispered, anxiously stroking mochi.

"'How could you do something like this Gwen?!?'

'She let us all down, it breaks my heart.'

'And here I was, thinking she was a good person.'

'You let us all down, Gwendolyn. I'm very disappointed, I expected better from you.'"

"Who was that-"

Fuyumi sighed. "Principal Hijiri."

"She saw the video?!"

"Apparently." Fuyumi scrolled for a moment before she continued. "'Poor Shoto.'

'She deserved everything she got these past few days.'

'Maybe her car getting destroyed was a good thing after all'

'Why would Gwen do something this shitty?'

'This girl disgusts me.'

'I feel so bad for the guy in this video, does anybody know them or know the results of the game?' Someone replied to that; 'yeah, he's @therealshoto_, and the girl is @gwenosaurusrex. They lost the game by a lot because this took place during halftime, and he was completely out of it the second half; and by virtue of losing the game the entire team lost full college scholarships.' And then the first person replied again; 'Awww that really sucks, send them my sympathy, and give that girl a good slap across the face.' That's the end of that thread, but there are still more comments."

"You can read them." Shoto watched her phone curiously.

Fuyumi scrolled, her eyes widening as she scanned the words. "Are you sure you want to hear more?"

"Read them already, he's eighteen, he heard swear words before!" Natsuo impatiently watched her.

Fuyumi took a breath. "'This slut doesn't deserve to be alive.'

'Who the fuck would pull something like that?'

'Someone please tell me this was a skit-'

'This cunt needs to learn from Shoto's heart and take a swan dive off a 70 story building.'


'She fucked him up for the rest of the game; so unbelievably selfish.'

'@gwenosaurusrex maybe instead of putting a dick in your mouth you should put in a shotgun. Pull the trigger while you're at it, too.'

'She should do us all a favor and kill herself.'

'This whore is a waste of oxygen.'

'This bitch needs to take a shot of battery acid.'

'@gwenosaurusrex COMMIT TOASTER BATH!!!!'

'Who the fuck would do something like this?'

'We trusted you Gwen. And you let us all down.'


'They were so cute together tho ;-;'

'Damn, that's harsh.'

'@therealshoto_ I feel so bad for u'

'So he's single?'

'She needs to jump off the school roof.'

'Not only did she break Shoto's heart and spirit, but she stole their futures too.'

'@gwenosaurusrex slit ur wrists and post a pic as u bleed 2 death'

'This bitch needs to kill herself'

'This shit is messed up.'"

"Jeez, now I see why she deleted her account." Touya shook his head. "But it still doesn't justify what she did to you and the rest of the team."

Natsuo nodded in agreement.

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