Chapter 23

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Ray tied Bruciatura up to the tying post along with Bucaneve and Congelamento. Before making her way over to Kat and Shoto who had laid out the picnic blanket. Ravyn stretched up, giving Kat a peck on the cheek.

Gwen pulled the coolers out of the saddlebags, taking them over and setting them down on the blanket. "Man, you weren't kidding when you said this view was amazing, ray." She chuckled.

"Nope. I like to come up here just to relax most of the time."

Gwen sighed, sitting down on the blanket. "Shall we eat?"

"Let them eat food."

"Okay Marie Antoinette." She teased. "If you don't eat your food you don't get pie."

"Ok mom." Ray teased.

"That applies to you too, boys."

"I want some pie-" Kat appeared next to Gwen, pulling a sandwich out of one of the coolers.

"Don't we all." Sho chuckled.

"Except for you." Gwen said, looking to Shoto. "You and your siblings already ate a whole pie, so you don't get anymore."

"In my defense that was last night at 2 am and I only got a slice before they tracked me down."

"You weren't supposed to be eating it in the first place!"

"It was calling me!"

"If you were that hungry you could have just come upstairs. We also have goldfish crackers in the pantry."

"But I wanted pie."

"You could have waited!"

"But I wanted it semi-fresh!"

"If you would have asked nicely I probably would have given you one when it had just cooled down enough to eat. But instead I woke up at 2:30 in the morning to what I thought was a robber!"

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Touya nearly got pepper-sprayed, and that was only because my dad just got a new gun safe and I don't know the combination yet! You're lucky he was at work or you guys would be dead!"

"That wouldn't be fun."

"No, it wouldn't. And how the hell did you get in without setting off the alarms, anyway?"

"Your mom gave me a key."


"Right before I ate the pie."

"My mom wasn't even home-"

"Shh. You don't need to know."

"How does she trust you that much?! I only have a key because I stole me dad's, mom didn't even trust me with one, and I live there!"

Kat huffed. "Can we move on now-"

"This is not just an argument this is personal."

"Because she's known me all my life A. And B. Because I'm mostly responsible."

"I   c a m e   f r o m   h e r   W o m b." 

"I. Don't. Know."

"And if anyone is more responsible, it's me! I practically run the school and I don't misplace my t-shirts! There also aren't people constantly stealing my stuff!"

"You act like that's my fault."

"It is your fault for being so damn sexy all the time!"

"Thank you!"

"They can't even argue properly-" Ray whispered.

"I know- I can- barely- keep myself- together-" Kat snickered.

"We really need to teach them how to properly argue over small things."

"No shit-"

"I can't even be mad at you for eating the pie!"

"Then why are we arguing-?"

"Cause I want to be mad at you about it." She huffed, crossing her arms and pouting. "But I just can't when you have such an adorable face."

"I love you~" He purred.

"At least they end it semi properly." Ray chuckled.

"Not gonna lie that was entertaining-" Kat smiled.

"Very." Ray replied.

"I love you too." She grumbled. "And I guess if you want to have more pie you can... but only after you eat your sandwich."


Gwen pulled out two sandwiches, handing one to Shoto. "Eat that and then you can have a slice of pie."

"Boyfriend not child." Ray mumbled.

"Hey, if it wasn't for Gwen all he'd eat would be hot pockets and Cheez-its." Kat laughed.

"True that." Gwen chuckled.

"Cheez-its, ok but hot pockets- no thank you."

"It's my pie, do I decide who gets to eat it. Speaking of which, ray, you need to eat your sandwich too if you want a slice."

"But Shoto, I must ask: is the pie worth eating a sandwich for?" Kat questioned.

"Ye- I mean no. Stay away. From the pie." He growled playfully.

"So I'm gonna need to eat all of it." Kat laughed.

Sho laughed as well, "But seriously. Back. Off."

"Shoto, there's enough for everyone." Gwen giggled.

"You say that about yourself but I beg to differ."

"I can make more if you need it that badly. Plus, like we've already established, you had some last night, too. Neither of them has had any."

He huffed.

"Whoever finishes their sandwich first gets the biggest piece."

By this time Ravyn had already grabbed and eaten her sandwich. She quickly got a look from Sho which made her giggle.

Kat quickly shoved the last of his into his mouth. "Damn it ray." He cursed, his mouth still full of food.

Gwen shook her head, soon finishing the last of her sandwich as well.

"It's rude to talk with your mouth full." Ray teased, playfully poking Kat's side.

"But pie-"

"You don't need to talk to get pie."

He rolled his eyes, swallowing the mouthful. "Can I have my pie now?"

"Thank you." Ray smiled kindly.

Gwen pulled out the pie, popping the lid off and grabbing the serving utensils as well as some paper plates and forks. She quickly cut two good sized slices, handing one to ray and one to Kat.

Shoto stared his friends down, earning a challenging glare from Ray as he ate his sandwich.

"This is delicious!" Kat quickly finished his piece. "Who woulda known you'd be so good at baking!"

Gwen smiled. "Thanks."

Ravyn slowly turned her head, "Ahem."

"Cooking and baking are two different things, baby."

"Remind me never to bake you, your favorite dragon fire pepper cookies."

"What? No-"

"Well my baking is bad so."

"Oooo shots fired-" Gwen whispered.

"I never said it was bad-"

"Never compliment another girl's baking, sir."

"But it's good-"


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