Chapter 49

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It was at least midnight.

Gwen sat at the kitchen island, her head in her hands; two papers on the counter in front of her.

Sho quietly opened the door, slipping in through the crack and shutting it softly. Then he realized the lights were on while he made his way to the kitchen. 

"What's got you up so late?" He asked once he saw her sitting in the kitchen. He tossed his bag onto the couch before coming up behind her with a concerned expression. Curious about what she was doing, he wrapped his arm around her and found himself beside his wife.

She picked up one of the papers and handed it to him, unable to look in his direction.

It was the notice that she had been fired.

He quickly read it, a worried expression appearing on his face. "Okay... That's not good."

"It gets worse." She croaked, sliding the medical report across the counter to him. "We fucked up."

Halfway through reading the next paper, he froze and a sense of panic settled over him. "Damn it... How could this have happened?!"

"I don't know-" she finally broke down in tears. "I was taking birth control, we were being so careful!" She sobbed. "What are we gonna do-"

He grabbed her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I don't know. But we need to figure this out sooner rather than later." He replied through gritted teeth.

"We can't raise a kid... We don't have the insurance from my job anymore... we can't afford doctors... I-... I don't know what to do-..."

"I'll think of something."

She sniffed, lowering her voice to a whisper as she buried her face in his shoulder. "We could always put it up for adoption... or... abort the pregnancy..."

He winced at the latter. "I mean, that's always an option but I think adoption is off the table. The foster system is terrible. If we don't think of something before the baby is born, I'm sure Ravyn and Kat or one of our other friends would be willing to take care of them."

She sighed. "I guess you're right... but either way, are we even ready to be parents? I just turned eighteen a few months ago..."

"Don't look at me, I'm still wrapping my head around the fact you're my wife."

She stayed silent for a moment. "I'm scared, Shoto..."

"I know, I am too. But we'll figure it out. We always have."

"This could kill me... you realize that, right?" She whispered.

He unintentionally grabbed a fistful of her shirt at the thought of losing her. "That won't happen. I won't let it."

"Do we even want a kid...?" She held on to him even tighter. "I mean, our parents and friends will be ecstatic, but that doesn't change that we're having achild. A human being;aperson... and it's our job to keep that person alive... it's terrifying... there's so much that could go wrong..."

He stayed silent, trying to process the fact she was pregnant.

"How did we let this happen..." she mumbled.

"I don't know... We were so careful..."

"I'm sorry... this is probably my fault..."

"No! This isn't your fault!" He replied, stepping back to look her in the eye, "We're in this together."

"I'm glad you're my husband..." she gave him a sad smile. "There's no one in the world I'd rather have a kid with than you."

He forced a smile, leaning down to kiss her. "We should head to bed, everything will be clearer in the morning."

"Will it though?" She whispered, tears welling in her eyes again.

"I don't know, but we need sleep no matter what happens."

She nodded, pulling him into another tight hug. 

"I love you."

He hugged her back, strong arms holding her close to him like he was afraid to let go. "I love you too, Gwen. And I always will, no matter what happens."

"You promise-" she sniffed, as a sob caught in her throat; lowering her voice to a barely audible whisper. "You promise you won't leave me...? You won't run away in the middle of the night?...."

His eyes widened at the fact she even had to ask that question. "I'd never leave you. Even if my life depended on it, I'd never go anywhere. You're the reason I wake up every morning, Gwen. If I didn't have you, I'd be nothing."

She held on to him a little tighter. "You promise?"

"I promise."

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