Chapter 46

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Gwen yawned, slowly sitting up and stretching before getting out of bed. She shuffled into the kitchen, opening an overhead cabinet to try and find something to eat.

A blue raspberry ring pop fell out of the cabinet, hitting her in the face. She picked it up and noticed it had a note attached to it. 'Good morning my Queen. Have a great day, I love you.' A small heart was drawn in red next to Shoto's name.

She smiled softly, admiring how he paid attention to the romantic details. Her heart swelled as she recalled the memory.

"If I get to marry you, I'll buy all the ring pops you want!"

After a few minutes she found something to eat, finished getting dressed and ready for her day before a knock sounded on the front door.

"Open the door Gwen!" Ray called, carrying a baby carrier and a diaper bag.

Gwen hurried over, unlocking and opening the door. "Hi, how are you?"

"Exhausted! Rule of thumb, don't have a kid until you're at least twenty."

Gwen shook her head, stepping aside so there would be room for ray to enter. "I don't plan on it. Plus, Shoto and I can't afford to care for a kid, so that's why I'm on birth control now." She chuckled awkwardly. "He was tired of condoms and wanted to go raw-"

"Oop." She giggled, "How've you been?"

"Good." She smiled. "Although I have to ask- did you and Kat go raw all that time-?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny such accusations."

"Why don't you come inside." Gwen chuckled.

Ray entered the room, heading for the couch. "That's what she said. Or, rather, what I said."

"It feels weird though, doesn't it?" Gwen mumbled. "I know Sho likes it a lot more."

"I mean, a little bit. But in a good way."

She nodded, closing the door. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

Ravyn opened her mouth to reply before her son started to scream bloody murder. "You sound like your father." She huffed, pulling back the umbrella-like covering and unbuckling Zack. She pulled him up into her lap before fishing out a pre-made bottle from the heated diaper bag.

"Fancy bag, how much did it set you back?"

"If you have a child. You won't need to know the cost of this bag. Since you will already have it. Because I shall give one to you."

Gwen smiled. "What would I do without you, ray?"

"Well. Your life would be a lot easier for starters." She teased.

"Can I be honest with you?" She shifted the subject.

"Always. What's going on?"

"I think I'm gonna get laid off..." she mumbled. "Like, lose my job."

"What? Why?"

"Corporate's been doing major budget cuts; and I overheard my boss talking about it last Friday."

"Hm. You could always work for dad." She suggested, "Although you're not really into cars..."

Gwen shook her head. "If there's one thing my parents taught me, it's don't take handouts. I appreciate the offer, but like you said, I'm not at all qualified and the only reason I'd be there would be because you're my best friend."

She gave Gwen a look before speaking, "You're too stubborn for your own good."

"I prefer dedicated and persistent." She sighed. "And besides; that wouldn't be fair to someone who needed that job and was actually qualified."

"You do realize that there would be plenty of other positions. You could be a receptionist for all that matters at least you'd be able to pay the bills."

She shook her head again. "Again, thanks for the offer; but I'd much prefer to try to find something on my own, first."

"Alright. But if you need a job, you've always got one with Ferrari. Anyways, do you have any ideas what you could even do?"

She shrugged, pulling two cans of soda out of the fridge and walking over to sit next to ray on the couch. She set one can down for ray, opening the other and taking a sip. "I don't know. I heard there were a bunch of good-paying jobs at restaurants available,"

"Which restaurants?" She smirked, watching Gwen closely.

"I heard hooters is hiring, and that they pay pretty well-" she mumbled.

Ray busted up laughing, "Hooters? I'm guessing you haven't told Sho about said idea."

"And I don't plan to." She huffed.

"If he finds out... He'll have your head."

"I mean it could be worse!" She said defensively. "It could be a strip club!"

"Forget Sho losing his head. You'd be fish food if you ever took up a job like that." She growled threateningly.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means they'd never find your body if I ever learned about you having a job in a strip club."

"If you were desperate you'd do it too!"

"Yes but we've already established that I'm the bad girl in town. You're the smart girl who could go far places."

She huffed. "But think about it, when does he ever go to a place like that?"

"Fair enough."

"How would he find out? He wouldn't. He would never have to know."

"Now you're keeping secrets." She mumbled, "Just promise you'll TRY to find a non-Sho angering job first?"

"I've already tried." She mumbled."Well then go for it, Gwen."

"The only way he could find out would be discovering the uniform in the laundry, but he never does the laundry, and even if he did I could just say it must have gotten mixed in at the laundromat."

"Fair enough."

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