Chapter 32

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The next day the chatter at school was deafening. Shoto entered their homeroom, taking a seat at his desk and assuming Gwen was late.

"I know, I can't believe it either!" Myles said, looking at Michael. "It's horrible!"

"As mad as I am at her," Christian sighed. "I do hope she's okay."

"What's going on?" Shoto asked, looking around.

"You didn't hear?" Kirishima's eyes widened.

"Hear what?"

Izuku looked over at Shoto. "During cheer practice yesterday when they were teaching the younger girls the routine, they were showing them how to do the big toss thing and they dropped Gwen."

"They've dropped her before." He seemed unamused. "Why is this school news?"

"No, they dropped her dropped her." Cliff chimed in. "Not like the times before where they caught her but she broke through their arms; like they straight up didn't catch her. From what I heard she was just flying through the air and then... splat."

"Splat is a very strong word." Shoto said.

"It was a splat." Rose mumbled, entering the class with her head down and a ghostly look on her face. "Imagine dropping a big ball of dough onto a hard floor while crushing dried macaroni. That's what it sounded like."

"I did not need that image."

Evelyn entered behind Rose. "At least you didn't actually have to see it." She looked sick. "I'll never forget that. Ever."

He just huffed, "How fun."

"Last I heard she was in a coma-like state. They had to airlift her to a hospital and she nearly flatlined during one of the surgeries." Izuku sighed. "They had to remove the bone fragments from around her heart, and her lungs collapsed at one point."

"What do you think happened?" Christian looked to Rose.

"I don't know. I looked away for a moment and when I looked back she-... or-... what was left of her-..." she trailed off, Evelyn interjecting.

"I could tell by the look on her face when she was in the air that she was completely calm. She didn't expect it at all. She was immediately unconscious once she hit the ground, I doubt she even felt the impact... it won't surprise me that if she survives, she's paralyzed for the rest of her life."

"You wanna know what I think?" The rare sound of Salem's voice caused heads to turn and listen. "I think she threw off her trajectory on purpose."

Kirishima's eyes widened. "Are you saying you think she tried to kill herself?"

Izuku shook his head. "Gwen isn't the kind of person to do that, though."

"I mean come on, think about it." Salem sat back in her chair. "You saw how everyone reacted to the video, and how everyone treated her in the halls. Gwendolyn is a people person. She may not show it but she does care what people think."

"But Gwen can take criticism." Cliff looked confused. "She's strong and independent. She helps people no matter what effect it has on her, that's why she's so popular."

"Her entire life is serving others. Doing what others want and need." Salem crossed her legs, moving to rest her feet on the top of her desk. "But if no one trusts her anymore, if no one wants her help, she'd have no reason to live."

Everyone sat silently in thought for a moment.

"I guess you do have a point." Kirishima mumbled. "But Gwen doesn't strike me as the type to commit suicide like that."

"Then again," Carson finally spoke up. "She doesn't like to cause more trouble than she has to. Maybe she wanted to make it look like an accident so there wouldn't have to be that much of an investigation."

"That's another good point." Izuku sighed. "I guess that could be a plausible answer, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, you can't run from the truth forever."

Everyone was silent again.

"Speaking of which," Carson broke the silence. "Did you ever get your varsity jacket back from her Shoto?"

"Be quiet Carson." He growled, "No, I haven't."

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