Chapter 63: For Who?

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Jiu was walking around the hallway as she didn't know what to do except being stuck on Level 9. She wanted to look in the fridge again, but the tenth time wouldn't be as different when she looked for snacks for the fifth time. And staying in bed made it feel like she was back in the hospital. So, no, she took up the part to walk in every corner of the floor.

As she passed by her members' room, she heard a weird sound coming from Siyeon's room. She went to her friend's door and knocked.

"Hey, Siyeon. Are you alright?" she asked but no reply came from the other side. Jiu then twisted the doorknob and opened the door as she heard the weird noise coming from Siyeon's bathroom again. As she went closer, she saw Siyeon hunched over vomiting in the toilet bowl.

"Siyeon!" She ran inside the bathroom to look over her friend.

"I-I'm fine..." Siyeon replied.

Jiu gathered her friend's hair up, it was stuck on her face with sweat. "You look pale. I should call Madam Yoona or Taehyung or--"

"I said I'm fine, Jiu. Just take me to bed, please." Jiu nodded and lent her shoulder onto her friend as she brought her to the bed.

"Want me to fetch some medicine?" Jiu asked.

Siyeon shook her head. "I'm not sick. I'm just feeling tired. Maybe I should take a nap." Siyeon laid down on her bed and closed her eyes.

"Well then, have a good rest." Jiu was nonplussed by Siyeon's behaviour, but inched towards the door anyway.

"Hey, Jiu." She stopped as Siyeon called her.

"Don't call Taehyung. I really mean it," Siyeon warned. But Jiu didn't say anything and just walked out of her friend's room.

Jiu sighed as she heard Siyeon's voice mumble through the door.

"Why can't he just tell her the truth..."


Taehyung arrived at the hospital and went straight to Handong's room. As he was on his way, someone was just going out of the room and Taehyung smiled in greeting.

"Oh hey, Xiumin. We meet again." Xiumin heard someone calling him from behind.

"Hey," he replied shortly and waved.

"You heading to work right now?" Xiumin nodded as Taehyung asked him, feeling awkward as they only met each other a couple of times.

"Alright, see you later." He nodded again and walked away. But not a while later when Taehyung halted him.

"W-wait!" Xiumin turned around.

Taehyung looked around. "May I ask you something?" He asked slowly.

"What is it?"

"A-about... the memory wipe." Taehyung brought up about the memory erase Gahyeon seemed to know more of than him.

Xiumin's eyes widened a fraction and pretended not to know anything. "W-what are you talking about?"

"I thought maybe you knew about it since you're dating Miss Handong and Gahyeon did mention about it when she said that you, her, and Hyungwon will..." Taehyung tapered off.

A silence fell between the two, Xiumin's face not showing anything. Then he burst out, "Handong did mention that after they completed their mission, Madam Yoona will erase our memories," he confessed.

"But why?"

"Siyeon haven't told you anything?" Taehyung shook his head.

"There's a rule where Madam Yoona made especially for them which, the girls can't tell their spy identities to the public citizen."

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