Chapter 15: Two in One

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At Night.

The Dreamcatcher squad, Agent Jimin and Agent Mino were on their way to the nightclub that Madam Yoona ordered them to investigate. Receiving information that the gangsters will send suppliers to the nightclub, the Dreamcatcher will be doing their undercover while the two male agents stay inside a van located near the club. Their job is to monitor the whole happenings inside the hubbub with secret cameras.

Mino drove the van and Jimin was beside him, while the girls were huddling at the back coming up with a strategy on how the situation is going to come about.

"Okay girls, put this thing on your left chest," Jiu gave them some sort of flower broach.

Confused Yoohyeon asked, "A broach?"

"It's not just a broach, it's a spy cam so Agent Mino and Agent Jimin can see inside the nightclub through this," Jiu pointed to her own broach to make it clear.

After a couple of tense minutes, they've finally arrived at the nightclub. Agent Mino parked the van at the back narrow street next to the nightclub. The girls grabbed their gadgets and their clothes for the undercover and changed at the back.

"No peeking!" Handong shouted at Agent Mino and Agent Jimin.

"We're not!" Agent Mino cried back.

After the girls finished changing, they put their spy cam on their left chest and they also put their cream-coloured earpiece in their ears. While the girls prepared themselves, Jiu saw Yoohyeon praying for herself.

"Yoohyeon, are you okay? You still scared?" said Jiu.

"A little bit," admitted Yoohyeon, her face showed anxious.

"Don't push yourself, you can take my part and I will take yours."

"No I don't want to. You're right. It's time for me to move on on what happened a few years ago.. and I think it is now," Yoohyeon nodded to herself to feel self-assured.

"You sure bout that?"

"100% sure."

"Alright I can't force you to stop but I hope you don't push yourself."

"Yeah-yeah I know."

After that, they got out of the van and went inside the club- one by one so anyone watching would not be wondering why they would arrive in vans. Mino and Jimin walked out of the van to wish them good luck. Yoohyeon and Handong already went inside the nightclub, except for Jiu and Sua who were still fixing their earpieces.

"Hey Sua," Jimin called at her from behind.

"Yes?" Sua turned.

"Be careful," said Jimin with his smile on his face.

"I will," Sua replied with a smile.

"Hey Jiu, please be careful," Mino adviced to Jiu.

"It's not like you always do," Jiu smirked.

"Okay, you asked me to," Mino pulled Jiu close to him and he gave a kiss to his lover. Jiu chuckled softly as she replied with her soft lips on Mino. Sua and Jimin couldn't close their mouth as were too shocked to. After they broke their kiss, Jiu turned and continued walking to the nightclub. Sua had to run to her to catch up.

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