Chapter 12: Own Once

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"Irene, please hang in there!"

"Oppa... it hurts..."

"You're gonna be fine. Please stay with me!"

"Oppa... Don't cry... it will... hurt more..."

"I will, I will but please, stop talking."


"Yes babe."

"Find another girl... stay with you... I'm sorry if.. if.."

"Don't talk, babe.. please.."

"If I fail.. I didn't have the be your wife... I'm sorry..."





"Taehyung, wake up. Are you alright?"

"Miss.. Siyeon. Where am I?"

"I'm the one that should be asking you that. Why are you here and why are you screaming some girl's name when you're sleeping?"

"I.. Just had a nightmare. That's it."

"Taehyung, please don't lie to me. I know you missed someone right now. Who's Irene?"

"She..was my girlfriend. I miss her so much.. It's all my fault that she's dead." His tears were streaming down and Siyeon felt for him. She tried to comfort him as she knelt down and hugged Taehyung. He looked miserable after he had his nightmare.

"If you want a shoulder for you to cry on, I guess you can do it now.." Taehyung let out his cries and sobs. Streams and splotches of his tears fell down his face. Sobbing on Siyeon's currently wet shoulder but she didn't care as she wanted Taehyung to let out his feelings.

"Thank you for sending me home by the way. How do you know the password to my door?"

"I.. also put my birthday as my password on my cellphone..."

"Because it's easy to remember, right? I don't have strong memory so..."

" I got you..." Taehyung wiped his tears off from his face.

"Feeling better now?"

"Yeah.. Thank you. What time is it right now?"

"9 am. And we're probably already late for w--."

"9 am?! Oh shi-- I mean shoot! I'm late for my first lesson and Mr Kang will kill me!" Taehyung panicked as he jumped up.

"Mr Kang? He won't be mad." Siyeon assured him.

"Eh? Why do you seem so sure about it?" Taehyung looked confused.

"No time to answer and get ready. Or you want to let Mr Kang shout at your face?"

"Okay! I'll get ready now!" Taehyung ran out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom.

While Taehyung was in the bathroom, Siyeon checked her notification on her cellphone. Realizing that she has 5 missed calls and 2 messages from Sua, she tapped on the messages so she can read it on the screen.

From: Sua



"I'm gonna get pummeled by her when I get there." Siyeon sighed.

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