Chapter 25: Bora's Hell Life

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"What do you mean he's your ex-husband? You were married?"

"I was forced to marry when I was 18."

"Wh--I can't believe..."

My family was very poor back when I was young. My dad couldn't find any permanent jobs and my mom sold fruit on the streets. The income that my mom got was enough for one day but we made it last for a week. I have a sister who needed education but our parents couldn't afford to pay and asked us to quit.

But I told them that I'd quit, find a job to pay for my sister's scholarship. She was still young and had a lot to learn. I didn't care if I was considered stupid because of my lack of education, but, at least my sister didn't go through the same experiences I did. I worked two jobs a day without rest and the pay I got was enough to cover my sister's scholarship.

Everything was going fine until one day, I heard my parents arguing. That my dad didn't pay loan and other debts. Then, I heard my dad saying something that broke my heart...

He said that...  He sold me to an unknown man for money. I was crying like a hell and called them out, said some horrible things to them, but it didn't change their mind. A few days later, a man that bought me came to our house along with the money. He took me away and my parents didn't even stop him. I cried when I saw my sister cry. We lost contact and didn't see each other after that.

I was then married to him not long after. And he said that he will treat me nicely if I follow what he wants. But, I was caught in a lie. He treated me like a slave. He punched and kicked me at every given chance he got and left terrible, horrendous marks on my body. 

"Did your parents know he was doing that to you?"

They did but they said it was my problem, not theirs. The only people I thought could help me... I was so upset and defeated when they did nothing," Sua sobbed, wiping her tears away quickly.

"I was at home cleaning, when I saw a physician's letter- a diagnosis letter of some sort on a desk. It stated that my ex-husband had mental issues. I was married to a crazy and mad man all those time," Sua laughed dryly. "I immediately rushed to pack my stuff and planned to just go out of the city. I guess he knew I ran away when he saw my stuff was missing and so he found me still not far from the neighbourhood.

He dragged me home and I could tell he was furious. Once we got inside, he slammed the door shut and punched me in the face and kicked my stomach. I tried to fight back but I was already weak after numerous beatings I received before. At one point my sight was going blurry and I fell down. He grabbed me up by my hair and smashed me to the wall and I think I blacked out because I didn't remember anything after that.

"How were you still alive?"

I don't know. When I woke up, I realized I was in the hospital with Madam Yoona next to me. She told me that I didn't have to return to that hellhole and the devil was caught. I cried and thanked God that I was finally free and answered my prayers. I was surprised but grateful that Madam Yoona took care of me when we were just strangers. When it was time to go home, we went to her house. And at that time, I met Siyeon who I thought was Madam Yoona's daughter," Sua smiled. "The first time I went to the agency was when I met Jiu. She and I are the same age and so we became close like twins and Siyeon though reminded me of my sister that I missed. They were the ones who taught me how to defend myself, and that's how I ended up as an agent.

"Did you contact your family after that?"

No, I didn't contact nor met them. But I met my sister after school sometimes and gave her pocket money because my parents couldn't give enough. I told her everything, about my ex-husband and how he was mentally unstable. She was glad that I was safe. Eventually I asked her if our parents were okay and she said that they still didn't have enough money to pay all the loans. I paid all the loans but I asked her not to tell our parents who gave her the money, including my new life. 

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