Chapter 51: Another Infection

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Jiu woke up early today as she sat up from her bed. She sighed as she leaned back and looked at the clear sky out the window. She stretched a little on the bed, working out some tense muscles from sleeping too long. Her head turned as she heard the door open and smiled as Gahyeon appeared. She wondered what she was doing here as she brought in a wheelchair.


"I knew you'd try to visit Dami unnie." Gahyeon smiled smugly as she pushed the wheelchair near Jiu's bed.

"You came here alone?"

"Hyungwon oppa went with me but he suddenly got called for work so it's just me you're facing today. Come on, up you go." She lend her shoulder for Jiu to hold on to as she got up from the bed.

"Thanks, Gahyeon." She nodded and slowly lowered Jiu on the wheelchair. They went out of the room and proceeded to the elevators and they went up one level. As soon as the doors opened, Gahyeon pushed Jiu out from the elevator and they went towards Dami's room. Arriving at the doors, they greeted the agents stationed at the entrance.

"Good morning, Miss Jiu," said one of the agents.

"Morning. Is someone in there?"

"Agent Matthew is inside," said another agent.

"Open it." The agent nodded, opening the door for Jiu and Gahyeon as they went inside the room. She closed the door and pushed the wheelchair at the foot of the bed where they saw Matthew sat holding his fiancée's hand.

"You're still not going home, Matt?" Jiu asked him. Matthew shook his head as he stared at Dami. Looking at his gaunt face, Jiu sensed that he didn't sleep from yesterday or even let himself rest at all. She frowned, intent that he should at least sleep for a few hours.

"Go home and take a rest, Matthew. I will watch over her," Jiu said softly.

"I'm okay, Jiu. Besides, the house feels empty without her," Matthew sighed, looking on sadly at his fiancée. His hand gripped hers a little tighter, wishing she would wake up her deep slumber.

"Don't worry, Matt. Yoohyeon called me yesterday that Jooheon found the antidote. They're bringing it in today and hopefully cure Dami." Jiu told the good news. Matthew's eyes brightened slightly and he felt a tiny surge of hope course in him.

"Thank God..." Matthew huffed, leaning back slightly. There was hope he thought. She'd wake up and all would be well.

"Ack!" Jiu and Matthew looked at Gahyeon who was suddenly clutching at her stomach.

"What's wrong, Gahyeon?" Jiu asked her.

"My tummy's hurting... Toilet!" Gahyeon then rushed out of the room as she raced towards the washroom. Jiu shook her head watching the young girl's behaviour. Then, she glanced back at Dami, her eyes going over her now blemish-free face.

"All the minor wounds have healed completely. Wasn't it just yesterday that the cuts were starting to heal?" Jiu spoke.

Matthew nodded. "It healed abnormally fast, it's not a good sign, right?" Matthew turned to her.

"I'm not sure but I hope Yoohyeon and Jooheon come quickly before something bad happens..." She trailed off, feeling worried.

Thirty minutes had passed and they passed the time making small talk. Careful not to speak of the problem they were in or any missions that have been going on. Gahyeon still hadn't come back making the occupants in the room curious.

"Where's the girl that came with you just now?" asked Matthew.

"Gahyeon? I don't know. Maybe she ate some spicy food for breakfast this morning." They chuckled at that.

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