Chapter 5: Gangster Approach

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"You okay, Taehyung?" Asked his group.

"Just a little bruised," said Taehyung calmly.

After Ravi's group walked out from the dojo, Siyeon went to Taehyung, suddenly pulling him up.

"Let's treat your bruise," said Siyeon.

"I'm okay, miss Siyeon," Taehyung tried to refuse.

"You have 2 injured hands because you avoided that attacks many times and your face got punched just now. I don't think you're okay. And everyone, that's all for today. I hope you will become a great agent in here."

"Thank you, miss Siyeon." They all bowed at her politely.

Siyeon took Taehyung to the private room where the doctor already recognized the patient's face who always came here.

"How are you Siyeon? Are you already out of medicine?" Asked the doctor.

"No, Doctor Wendy. I'm just bringing this agent here because he needs to recover." Siyeon patted on Taehyung' shoulder.

"Ouh I see. Have a seat agent...."

"Taehyung. He still new in here," said Siyeon while she took a strawberry lollipop from the doctor's desk.

"New? You just got here yesterday and you already caused problems in here," Doctor tried to scold Taehyung.

"Chill doc. It wasn't his fault. Ravi started first." Siyeon tried to calm the doctor.

"Again? Yesterday I heard from other agents said that Ravi got mad with an agent who accidentally poured coffee onto his clothes. Now what?" asked the doctor.

"He challenged me to bring one new agent from each group to test a fight. If one of them lost, the elite will get the punishment. Ravi couldn't accept the fate that he lost, so he punched Taehyung but I kicked his face. I don't know why he became like this. After that 'incident' he seemed to be mad all the time." Siyeon looked through the window, enjoyed eat her lollipop.

"I thought that 'incident' just affected you, but it seems Ravi also has it." The doctor wrapped Taehyung's hands with bandages and cleaned his bruise on his mouth.

"I think so, Ravi and him are best friend..." Said Siyeon.

Doctor Wendy's cellphone suddenly rang. She grabbed her phone and walked out from the room to pick up her call.

"Thank you, miss Siyeon," said Taehyung.

"Just call me Siyeon only. You and I are in the same age. I read about your profile yesterday."

"But, you are my senior in this agency and I just got here yesterday. Like you said, we in here want to respect and be respect. That's why I call you 'miss.'"

"You still remember those words, huh?"

"Yeah, I have to keep it in my memory. That's what a discipline agent must have."

Siyeon had a small smirked on her face. Not everyone had that good attitude that Taehyung have.

"Okay. Just call me whatever you want to," said Siyeon.

"In your profile it says that you learned four types of martial arts; taekwando, karate, boxing and muay thai but why you just defended yourself with hands when you fight with Junhoe just now?"

"Because I--"

Doctor Wendy came back into the room. She sat on her chair and wrote about Taehyung's condition.

"Okay, so agent Taehyung didn't get any serious injury. There's nothing to worry about it. After this, just rest," said the doctor.

"Okay, thanks doc," said Siyeon.

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