Chapter 43: New Leader

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Two Days Later

"Dude, have you heard the latest news about Dreamcatcher Squad?" a new agent asked his two friends, who were having breakfast in the cafeteria.

"No, what is it?" asked his friend.

He joined them on the table, stealing a slice of apple from the fruit salad his friend was having. "I've heard that one of the members will be a stand-in leader while Miss Jiu is recovering," he stated, insinuating the importance in the matter.

"Who's gonna be the new leader? I mean... all of them are pros," his friend uttered before sipping his cup of coffee.

"Yes, they are but being a leader of the squad... It's kinda tough job to hold."

"Miss Sua might be the new leader of the squad 'cause she's the second oldest of the group after Miss Jiu," he shrugged.

His friend pointed another fact, "But, Miss Siyeon was the first agent that was recruited. She must have more experience than the others."

"If she wants to be the new leader, she might have been one from the first moment the squad was formed. Besides, she prefers going solo when doing missions, including Miss Dami," stated the agent.

"Yeah, both of them likes working alone than in groups."

"What about Miss Handong and Miss Yoohyeon?"

"If it's one of them we need to watch out 'cause that would only lead to total chaos," the agent barked, as he felt neither of the duo were fit to be leaders.

"What do you mean?" asked his friend.

"Miss Handong can manage herself to survive alone. You guys know about her mission a year ago? The team lost contact with her in a forest and they'd been searching for her for a week. When they found her she was in great condition, like nothing happened to her. She made perfect camp-like tent and even had gutted animals from her hunts! She can do both solo and group mission but she'll only do it her own way."

"Then, what about Miss Yoohyeon?" his friend went on, thinking no fault at all in Miss Handong's deal.

The agent sat back at that, he shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing special about her. She might be the bravest of the team but... she's not the smartest one." Two of his friends motioned for him to stop speaking. As by pure luck, which he didn't have at that certain time, said someone was standing right behind him. As she heard her name being the subject of their conversation.

"D-dude?" his friend patted his shoulder as they tried not to piss their pants.

"What's with your face? It's like you guys saw a ghost," he eyed his two friends, curious at their sudden reaction. Curiosity got the better of him and he turned his head, following their line of sight. He froze as he looked up the towering figure. His mouth opened and closed without uttering a sound.

"What...did you just say about me?" Yoohyeon gave a stern glare on them.

"M-miss Yoohyeon?!" The three of them bolted up, jarring the table loudly that other occupants in the cafe were drawn to the noise.

"W-we didn't say it. He did," said one of the agents as he pointed to his friend.

"You guys have dojo class today?" Yoohyeon asked, looking straight at the guilty looking one.

"W-we don't have dojo class today," replied the other agent.

"Lunch time, Dojo Center. I'll be waiting there. If you're late, Mr Kang's discipline class will be waiting for you." As soon as Yoohyeon said that, she was gone just as fast as she appeared. 

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