Chapter 19: Siyeon's Scars

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Taehyung arrived in front of Siyeon's house after driving with full of speed to get there. He got out of the car and opened the door on Siyeon's side. He carefully grabbed Siyeon and put her right hand around his shoulders.

Together, they trudged up to the front door. Luckily, Taehyung still remembered the pass code and he easily pushed the correct buttons and the door was unlocked. Taehyung opened the door with his right hand and they went inside. He helped Siyeon walk to her bedroom and made her sit on the bed to let her rest.

"Taehyung, there's a first aid kit in the cupboard at the living room," Taehyung nodded and left to get the aid kit. Then, he came back with the aid kit on his hand but stopped short at the sight before him. He saw Siyeon had unbuttoned her white shirt, leaving only her bra on the top half of her body.

"H-here..." Taehyung gave the aid kit to Siyeon but turned his head away to avoid his eyes from seeing more of Siyeon's almost half-naked body.

"Thank you. Sorry you have to see me like this," Siyeon took the aid kid from Taehyung. He didn't say anything as he walked towards the window behind her.

Siyeon took out a needle and bandage from the kit. She cleaned up her blood and knitted her wound by herself. Knowing that without any anesthesia medicine, she would feel every painful probe and movement her stitching caused. Still, she held her pain like nothing was happening to her, like she was used to it. Taehyung glanced behind him, seeing if Siyeon finished treating herself. As he peeked at her, he felt shock and his eyes widened. He saw that Siyeon's back was covered with old scars and perceived that the wounds would have been deep enough as to leave marks across her back.

"What the..." Taehyung mumbled to himself as he was gaping at Siyeon's back.

"Are you done peeking at my back, Taehyung?" Siyeon spoke up. She knew Taehyung was peeking at her. Taehyung quickly turned his head around.

"I' sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. Can you get me a glass of water? " asked Siyeon. Taehyung nodded and went to the kitchen. He came back and placed the glass on the nightstand as Siyeon was still not done stitching up her wound. Once finished, she drank the glass of water to quench her thirst. Then, she moved and picked up the bandage but realized she couldn't move too much or the stitches will open back.

"Taehyung, can you wrap my waist with bandage?" Siyeon asked Taehyung if he could help.

"Sure," said Taehyung shortly. He sat at Siyeon's back and took the bandage.  He wrapped Siyeon's waist carefully but occasionally studying the scars on Siyeon's back.

"Miss Siyeon, were these scars painful?"

"If it's still new, yes. But all the scars were there before I become an agent."

"How did you get all these scars?"

"From my step dad."

"Step dad?"

"My real dad passed away due to his sickness when I was ten. My mom married another man but her life didn't last longer after that when she got hit by a car and died. Then everything went downhill. I guess my step dad loved my mom a lot, and how my step dad dealt with it.. he just lost it. He took drugs and always hit me when he gets back home. When I was 14, he forced me to work and get money. All the money that I got had been used to buy his drugs and if it wasn't enough, he'd hit me with hard objects."

"Like what?"

"I don't remember much. I remembered when he poked lit cigarette on my arms. Then, he tortured me with broken glass and incised me at my back if I didn't get enough money to buy his drugs."

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