Chapter 57: Searching Mission

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Mino had just finished his work and he decided to go up to level 9. As he arrived, he walked out of the elevator and turned to Jiu's room. He pushed the office door as he called for her. "Minji?"

He went in, looking around. But there was no sign of his girlfriend.

"Where is she..." he closed the door and went back to the hallway. He walked a couple of steps, when he heard some sounds coming from the gym room. He went to the room, hopefully asking someone where Jiu was in the building. Turned out, he didn’t have to go far as he watched Jiu working on the punching bag. Badly as it was, as she fell down grasping to breathe after a hard kick.

"Minji!" Mino quickly ran towards her and tried to help her up.

But Jiu refused, shaking her head. "I-I'm fine," she said weakly as she sat up.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to take a break."

"I've had enough rest, Mino. I need to get my strength back." Jiu said as she huffed and continued her jabs.

Mino grabbed her hand stopping her from torturing herself. "If you need to get your strength back, you have to take a lot of rest. It's Doctor Wendy’s order."

Jiu did not rebut and Mino asked her. "What's wrong?"

At first, Jiu was unable to speak, conflict clear in her eyes. "I had a dream about Handong last night."

Mino didn't say anything and urged her to keep going.

"I saw her getting chased by people in black in the forest but I couldn't save her.” Jiu shook her head,” I don't know why I keep thinking about it. It feels ominous.” Glancing at her face, Mino knew that Jiu's worry was getting worse.

"Minji, relax. Handong's gonna be alright. Did you call her today?"

Jiu shook her head quickly. "That’s exactly it. Her phone's dead."

"Well, what about Siyeon and Yoohyeon?"

"They got no reply from her too.” Mino blinked a couple of times, not knowing how to go from there. As clearly this was something her friend would rarely do, especially when they were in the middle of a mission.

Jiu turned around, "I have to find them right now." As she tried to leave the room, Mino stopped her grabbing her hand.

"Minji-- Minji, listen--"

"Let me go!" Jiu tried to escape from his grip but then, Mino pulled her closer cupping her face.

"Kim Minji, listen to me!" Jiu startled when Mino shouted at her face.

He swallowed, lowering his voice. "I know you're worried about your friends right now but you're still weak, you can't go out. You can't do anything when you’re like this. You need to take a lot of rest in order for you to get better."

Jiu stared into Mino’s eyes, noting his worry over her. She looked down and shed her tears, all her frustrations and anxiety spilled over.

"I'm so useless! I-I need to help my friends. they're in danger!" she whimpered, letting out her emotion that she bottled up for the past few days.

Mino lent his shoulder and let Jiu cry on him as much as she wanted. "You're not useless, Minji..." He patted her head, trying to comfort her.

"I just want to help them... They need me... "

He hugged her tightly. "I know, Princess. I know..."


Taehyung was hunching over the desk focusing on his revision for his upcoming test this week. Even though he was studying, his mind was on his lovely girlfriend whom he didn’t see at the cafeteria just before. He glanced at his phone on the table and picked up to call Siyeon. But stopped, putting it back on the table.

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