Chapter 38: For Sister's Sake

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Jiu and both her maids were in the kitchen making dinner. As she had an off day, she'd use most of her time and prepared dinner that night. Looking at the time, her maid was curious as Mino still hasn't come home from work.

"Minji, is Mino coming home late?" asked ajusshi.

"He's working overtime today. He'll come home by tomorrow morning," said Jiu. While busy cooking,  her maids, ajumma and ajusshi were setting up the dining table with plates and bowls, as well as the cutlery for dinner.

"Ajumma, can you please call down Chaewon. Dinner is ready," called Jiu as she went over and poured the content in one of the ceramic plates.

"Yes Minji." Ajumma went upstairs and proceeded to Chaewon's room where she found Chaewon inside the room, lying on the bed.

Ajumma knocked on the door softly as she thought Chaewon was sleeping inside. "Little Chaewon, dinner is ready."

"Yes, ajumma." Chaewon got up from the bed and walked out the room. As she closed the door behind her, she saw ajumma smiling, waiting for her. Chaewon barely smiled back before she quickly turned, hurrying down the stairs. Ajumma looked on frowning, later following her steps.

Chaewon sat in one of the dining chairs where ahjussi and Jiu were already seated. As ajumma settled in hers, they all said their prayers and began dining. While others were enjoying the food, Jiu spotted Chaewon who was staring at her untouched plate.

"What's wrong, Chaewon? Is the food not to your liking?" she asked.

"N-no Jiu unnie. It's just... I lost my appetite. Sorry, I'm not hungry. Excuse me... " Chaewon stood up suddenly and walked away from the dining room. She went upstairs, and went directly back to her room. The maids were curious on her behaviour while Jiu remained silent.

"Is little Chaewon alright, Minji?" ajusshi asked. Jiu shook her head, having no clue on Chaewon's moody state.

"Perhaps she is missing her sister right now," ajumma pitied. Jiu didn't say a word as the maids reduced to silence while finishing up their plates. She didn't know how to explain the situation to them and couldn't stop worrying since morning.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Sua..."


"Dad..." Sua faced her dad, cautiously looking around as she thought she had fallen into a trap. She glared at her mother who remained silent. She looked guiltily to the ground.

"Mom, you lied to me." Sua was dumbfounded, feeling the small amount of trust in her disappearing.

"B-bora, I'm sorry. I didn't know he was following me," her mother exclaimed.

"Where did you hide Chaewon, Bora?!" her father yelled.

"I will not give up my own sister to a monster like you, dad!"

"Tell me or I will kill you!" Sua startled as she realized her dad was not playing around when he took out a knife. She couldn't believe he would bring it along with him. And knowing he was about to meet her, she didn't know if she wanted to cry or scream by her lost of bond towards her father. 

With a shout, he ran and aimed the knife towards her but she moved fast and avoided it. Sua was at a disadvantage as her father was out of of his mind, plus Sua couldn't attack her own flesh and blood. All she could do was avoid his attacks, that is until she lost her balance and fell. Her father took the chance and lunged down at her. Her mother suddenly held her husband's hand tightly, trying to stop his madness. 

"Dear, please don't do this! She's still your daughter!" Her mom begged for mercy for their daughter.

But things got worse as she received a blow across her face. "Shut up, b*tch!" he shouted.

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