Chapter 44: Handle The Situation

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Yoohyeon walked out of her office and went straight to the elevator. Handong who just came out of the restroom, saw her friend passing by with a pinched look on her face. She looked down at her wristwatch, noting that lunch would be in half an hour.

"You're going to lunch?" Handong asked.

Yooheyon's head swerved around, looking at her. "N-no, I'm meeting someone," said Yoohyeon, as her lips attempted a small smile.



Handong tilted her head in slight confusion and her hand rested on her hip. "Sure you're not going down to eat? You're always the first in line 'cause you hate waiting to get food."

"I'm not hungry today." With her reply cut short like that, Handong could definitely sense that something was wrong with her friend. She had never missed any opportunity to eat and especially so for lunch. But apparently, today, she was. The elevator doors opened and not missing a beat, Yoohyeon walked inside and pushed the button for level 6.

"See ya." Yoohyeon waved at Handong just before the doors closed. As the lift descended, Yoohyeon's smile dropped and her eyes closed. Seeming to be preparing herself to face something that was not pleasant, but was still needed to be done. Meanwhile, Handong stood frozen on the same spot, as she stared where she last saw her friend. Reaching to a decision, her eyes narrowed, as she could feel something was going on.

"Something's not right," she muttered.

The elevator arrived at level 6, and Yoohyeon marched out with her shoulders straight and with thin set of lips. A couple of steps forward, she stopped in front of the Dojo Center. Yoohyeon twisted the door knob and went inside and saw the three new agents she had asked to meet earlier in the morning.

The new agents spotted Yoohyeon entering the room and they quickly bowed to her as per procedure between juniors and seniors. "Good afternoon, Miss Yoohyeon," they chorused.

"So, three of you are early." She spoke and walked across where there was a row of buttons on the far side of the wall. She pushed a button and the wall behind the buttons slid open. The agents' eyes widened as they looked at each other in awe. Out of all the places to place weapons, they didn't expect for it to be inside a wall. As they processed what was meant to be a secret between higher level agents, Yoohyeon picked up a non-lethal melee weapon.

"Pick any weapon that you like." She ordered them. They looked at her then at each other in confusion, then shrugged as they followed her order. Each of them picked their own melee weapons; a set of brass knuckles, a stun gun and a baseball bat.

"What are we actually going to do with these weapons, Miss Yoohyeon?" spoke one of the agents as they stared at her who was starting some basic warm-up.

She bounced on the balls of her feet and turned around. "I want the three of you to attack me."

"What?!" All three of them screamed in shock.

"Go on, I don't have any weapons in my hand so you guys should be able to hit me easily," she urged.

"But, w-why are we doing this?" asked another agent.

"You guys mentioned this morning that I'm not the smartest member of the squad." Then, she took off her blazer and loosened her black tie on her neck.

"I just wanted to show you guys what I thought of what you said this morning."

The agent that had been responsible for all this stepped forward and spoke. "I didn't mean what I said, Miss--"

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