Chapter 47: Afraid To Lose You

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Taehyung had arrived in front of Siyeon's house but remained inside his car. He stared at the house as his mind replayed his last moments with her yesterday. He sighed deeply as her painful words jabbed at his heart again, he was clearly upset but he felt sorry for yelling back at her before leaving her.

"If you really meant it, then I guess I'm doing this for your own good, Siyeon," said Taehyung and soon after, he got out of his car and trudged towards Siyeon's house.

He pushed the security number at the door and went inside the house. Glancing inside the empty house, Tahyung wondered if Siyeon was still in the hospital.

"Didn't she go home yesterday?" he asked out loud. He walked to the bedroom seeing the untouched bed.

"Am I doing this for her own good or... for me..... Damn it." He shook his head, getting rid of mixed thoughts. He walked around the house, taking whatever belongings he had in her house. He looked around the house one last time as if saying goodbye and proceeded to the front door. As he stepped out of the house, Taehyung saw Sua leaning against her car as she blew a long smoke through her mouth.

"Coming to see if I got all my stuff alright?" Taehyung spoke.

Sua ignored his comment. "Taehyung, I know you're mad at her on what she did to you yesterday--"

Taehyung cut her off. "I'm not mad at her. I just think I failed to be the man she needed. She doesn't love me and I don't want to force her to accept me."

"Funny that, If she doesn't love you, explain to me why she would cry after you left?" Taehyung's mouth clamped shut at that revelation.

"Sh-she did?" he gasped.

"Taehyung, now we are in crisis. Jiu and Dami are out of mission due to their conditions and now Siyeon has been missing since yesterday and we don't have that many members to complete our mission."

"What do you mean she's missing? Wasn't she with you?"

"She told me to leave her alone and she walked away in the rain." Taehyung remained silent again. He didn't mean to leave her alone but his depressed feelings made him rash, unable to think straight except he knew that he needed to get out of the hospital.

Sua stood up straight, throwing her finished bud on the ground before squashing it with her foot. "Taehyung, you may think Siyeon was breaking up with you thus breaking your heart in turn, she wasn't. That was not her intention. She was having a hard time yesterday. It was her first day being a leader of the group but she already had to face a lot of problems. And right now, she's depressed about her work and her love, and that's you by the way. There's a reason why she told Madam Yoona that she can't love anyone including you."

"I-I'm..." Taehyung was at a lost for words. Regret was one prominent emotion. Like hell, he just jumped to his own conclusion instead of hearing his own girlfriend. He thought he was a better person than that. Taehyung squeezed his eyes, fighting tears of frustration and overabundance of emotion coming onto him.

Sua came to him and patted his shoulder making him look up at her. "You didn't fail to cure her heart, Taehyung. You just have to pass another obstacle to save her and it's saving her from her traumatic past. Please... don't let her get trapped in her nightmare forever." Taehyung set his lips in a straight line, taking in her words.

She stepped away from him and looked at her watch to see it was just past seven. "I have to go. Think of what I said, 'kay? She needs you. See you later."

She walked towards her car and climbed inside. The car drove away, leaving Taehyung alone with his jumbled thoughts.

"Siyeon... How am I going to save you..."

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