Chapter 42: Pray

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As the medic squad arrived at Sua's house, they checked on Jimin and Jiu. Luckily, Jimin's wound wasn't as serious as Jiu's but assessing the state of her body, the team had to immediately send her to the hospital as her heartbeat was starting to fade. The medic squad brought her into their medic van and they drove off to the nearest hospital while Hyunwoo were sent to a different one, the same where Sanghyuk had been. Worried out of her mind, Sua drove her car and she led the way to the hospital. She was like a diver going through a sea of cars, as she honked and sped past to tell the other cars to make way for them.

As they arrived, the doctors and the staff were already waiting outside with stretchers at the ready. And as soon they opened the door, the staff helped them move Jiu on the trolley. Sua got out of her car and followed beside them as they rushed her towards the emergency room.

They went through the halls in the hospital and Sua looked at her dying friend who still hadn't given any sign of consciousness. The blood from her mouth was occasionally flowing out.

"Jiu, please wake up..."

As they arrived at the doors of the emergency room, one of the staff stopped her as she wasn't allowed to go inside. She watched as the group continued inside without her. The staff went back inside as Sua stayed outside alone. Worriedly, Sua peeked through the tiny window on the door and she saw that the staff and the doctors were quickly getting in place, and trying their best to save her friend. As routine, they placed different sets of sensors on her body to visualize the heart beat and breathing rate on the monitor screen. It showed that her pulse wave was weak but moments later, the pulse wave turned into a line.

The staff grabbed the defibrillator and one of the staff unbuttoned her white shirt. As soon as the defibrillator was ready, they placed both pads on her chest and her body jumped. But there was no sign of activity on the monitor. They increased the volt charge and recharged again. As soon as it was ready, they used the second chance and did the second shock on Jiu. But there was still no sign of life appearing on screen.

Sua watched in distress outside the room as her tears started to stream down her face. The staff was still trying everything to save Jiu. They turned the volt up to maximum and this was their final chance. If Jiu's pulse still didn't show on the screen, there was nothing more they could do to save her. 

Sua turned away from the sight, unable to look if the lines on the monitor stayed straight. She crumpled down on the seats, her vision blurring as she broke down in tears.

At that time, Mino, Jiu's maids, Sua's family and Madam Yoona arrived at the hospital. They called her name as soon as they found her in front of the emergency room. They walked towards her and saw that she was crying.

"Sua, how is she?" asked Madam Yoona but Sua couldn't say anything as she was unable to stop her tears. Her mom hugged her, trying to calm her down as Chaewon patted her back.

"It's my fault. If Hyunwoo didn't do this to her, she would not be here," Sua sobbed.

"Bora, no. It's not your fault. Jiu was trying to help you from Hyunwoo." Her mother comforted her daughter.

"Your mom is right. After all, it's our job to protect people and we all know that too. Now, we can only pray that she will come back." Just then, the doctor in charge of Jiu came out from the room and approached them.

"Are you Miss Kim Minji's family?" asked the doctor.

"Yes. How is she, doctor?" asked Madam Yoona.

"Actually, Miss Kim Minji, she's..."

Few Days Later...

Sua and Madam Yoona were walking in the cemetery, with a bouquet of white rose in Madam Yoona's hand. They stopped in front of a tombstone that held a familiar and fond name that they thought passed too soon. Madam Yoona went up to the grave and placed the bouquet of white roses on the tombstone. They took a moment of silence to pay respect for a couple of minutes. After they were done, they walked out of the cemetery and went to Sua's car. They got inside and Sua started the engine and they went off towards the city.

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