Chapter 24: Exposed.

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"Madam Yoona, I can explain..."

"There is no need, Agent Dami."

"Madam, please don't blame Dami. She's was just trying to do her job," Jiu tried to back-up her member.

Madam Yoona turned her palms up, signalling them to be quiet and halting other exclaims from other members. "No, I don't blame her at all. I'm proud of her."

"W-what?" all the girls turned to each other, surprise on their faces. If they were playing the guessing game, they would have never thought what Madam Yoona just said. Not in a million years.

"Come on, let's move in the meeting room." Madam Yoona turned to Dami, giving her a small smile, "And bring your camera." The girls followed their boss towards the meeting room while Dami went and grabbed her camera from her office, sighing in relief and thanking all the gods she knew. Everyone was settling in their seats when Dami arrived. Passing the camera to Madam Yoona, she immediately took an empty seat.

Madam Yoona started, "Yesterday, I went to the police station with Agent Mino and Agent Jimin to participate on the investigation conducted on the gangsters. What information the police was able to get from the gangsters are that they are just... 'common' gangsters, they collect money and destroy everything. Not even a squeak was heard about the drugs they were supposed to be arrested for. They are definitely hiding it from the police."

"Maybe because they've already been told by their boss to not speak about their drug activities?" asked Sua.

"It's possible. When asked about it they claimed no knowledge of any drug activities. But, when I showed them the drugs, their face expression changed."

"I'm guessing they recognized their drugs," Handong spoke up.

"Yes, but we don't have enough evidence against them to make an arrest," Madam Yoona exhaled loudly. "So they had been released from custody today."

"Just like that?" Siyeon was not satisfied with the outcome towards the gangsters.

"We don't have any proof to hold against them. They're taking the point this round."

Jiu sat up instantly, inputting a way to get the gangsters arrested. "But the photos! They should be enough as evidence to arrest them and their boss with the photos that agent Dami took yesterday," Jiu said to her boss. Madam Yoona switched on the camera and scrolled through the photos. Seeing all the pictures Dami was able to capture.

"I think these photos will be strong enough as evidence about their drug activities. Tonight, I will send the other agents to scour to all the nightclubs around the city. Agent Mino and Agent Jimin will lead the mission tonight."

"We will complete this mission and catch the head of the gangsters that make these drugs," said Jiu confidently.

"But ma'am, what about Gahyeon? She knows our real identities now," enquired Sua. 

"About her... I will erase her memory after our mission is done."

"Erase her memory?!" the girls exclaimed.

"Wow.. Gahyeon was right. We really are like in the 'Men in Black' movie," Yoohyeon recalled the moment when she met Gahyeon for the first time. Gahyeon practically called her that once she saw them in black suits.

"You cannot be serious, ma'am. How are we gonna erase her memory?" asked Dami.

"There's a machine called 'MEnH' in the laboratory but it hasn't been used for a long time so I'm not sure whether it is still working or not. But I think it's the best way to protect our identity as spy agents. We can't let anyone know about our true identities or it will be extremely risky for us and people we are close with."

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