Chapter 39: Rumor

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As the unknown caller ended the call, Sua was frozen in shock. Her mind was still reeling on what just happened. She almost forgot she was still driving until she heard a honk from a passing car. She looked up immediately just in time to see the traffic light switching from yellow to red. She immediately slammed on the break as Jiu shockingly stopped the car as she was behind her. Luckily she didn't bump into Sua's car.

"What the hell!?" Jiu exclaimed. As the light turned green, Sua's car didn't move, letting other cars pass by. Jiu honked twice, and right after, her car moved forward.

"What is wrong with that shorty?" said Jiu as she followed Sua's car.


Taehyung was putting on his black tie. While buttoning the cuff of his sleeve, he turned back and looked at Siyeon who was still in a deep sleep. He smiled, admiring how beautiful his lovely angel was when asleep. After he made sure his uniform was tidy and proper, he proceeded towards her to nudge her awake.

"Wake up, angel." He patted her head and kissed her forehead softly. Siyeon slowly opened her eyes and smiled when she saw her boyfriend's face.

"Hey..." she spoke. They greeted with a short kiss and Taehyung helped her sit up on the bed.

"Are you going to work?" she asked.

"Yeah. Breakfast is already on the table and for lunch, I will come back here for a bit and cook for you," he said.

"Taehyung, you don't have to come home just to prepare my lunch. I can just call for food delivery and send it here. Fast and easy."

"I'm just worried about you. What if something happens to you when I'm not home?"

"You're always worried," Siyeon grumbled.

"Because I love you, angel," Taehyung smiled.

"Sweet talker. Don't worry, I will be fine. I also don't want to disturb your work plus you're still in training." Taehyung was inclined to leave Siyeon alone due to her injury. Despite what she says, he didn't think Siyeon was bothering his work and training at all.

"You sure you're gonna be alright today?" Siyeon nodded and Taehyung relented, admitting defeat for now.

"Alright. I will come home as soon as I can." He smiled and kissed her before leaving.

"Drive safe," she said and Taehyung nodded before leaving for the front door.

As Taehyung walked out of the house and went to his car, he didn't realize someone was watching him. The unknown person captured a photo of him getting in the car, and disappeared as Taehyung was backing out from the parking space.


At the same time, Sua and Jiu just arrived at the office. They parked their car at their designated parking space and both of them walked out to the elevators. Jiu glanced at Sua while catching up with her pace, needing to ask her what happened at the traffic lights.

"Sua, what happened with you just now? You suddenly made an emergency brake at the traffic lights and you didn't go when the light turned green," Jiu looked at Sua, expecting for an answer. Not only did she not get an answer, it seemed that Sua didn't acknowledge her presence at all. Sua remained silent and walked away, leaving Jiu perplexed by her behaviour.

"Her period's already started, I guess," she thought out loud and walked into the main building.

Not long after, Taehyung arrived and he parked his car beside Matthew's. As he got out and locked his car, he proceeded to the office building and went straight to the cafeteria. Breakfast must have slipped from his mind as he worried about Siyeon all morning. And it was a hungry Taehyung as he ordered a cup of cappuccino and a plate of bagel. While he waited, someone spoke behind him.

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