Chapter 54: Who's Next

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Matthew gripped the plastic fork, his mouth grimacing as its last teeth snapped.

"Agh, sh*t." At that, the plastic was thrown across the room, and Matthew glared daggers at the metal bracelet locked to his hospital bed. His eyes snapped to the door and he immediately lied back, putting up an innocent air around him. But his face brightened up when he saw his friend entering the room.

"How is she doing?" Matthew asked as soon as Taehyung was next to him.

"She's fine. But she had lost too much blood and Miss Yoohyeon is donating some of hers," said Taehyung. Matthew looked away and nodded, a faraway look on him.

Seeing the trouble still apparent on his cousin's face, and the broken pieces of plastic seen on the floor, Taehyung tried to appease his concern. "Don't think too much bro, stress is not needed when you're the one occupying a hospital bed."

Matthew sighed. "I'm trying."

"Your fiancée is gonna be alright. Trust me."

Meanwhile, Siyeon was lying down, resting her eyes on a bench outside Dami's room, waiting for Doctor Wendy to give her a go-ahead and see her friend. She was drifting off when she felt a soft touch on her shoulder. She flinched but then relaxed as she saw the Doctor's face, remembering that she was safe in Headquarters.

"You should've taken one of the beds in the ward. I'm sure someone could've find one empty."

Siyeon shook her head, "I'm alright Doc, just a little tired."

Doctor Wendy nodded, dropping the subject. "Were you waiting this whole time, Siyeon?" she asked.

She shook her head again. "No, just got here ten minutes ago." She paused. "Where's Yoohyeon?"

"She's resting in another room. Come, let's go inside." Siyeon nodded and followed Doctor Wendy to Dami's room.

As she walked in, she glanced at Dami's bed, which was situated behind a glass wall. Protective glass, she guessed judging by the lone door with a passcode on the far left and the thickness of the glass. Siyeon's eyes stopped at a male figure before her.

"Jooheon? I thought you were with Yoohyeon?"

Jooheon turned at the sound of her voice and took a second to answer her. "Doctor Wendy dragged me here and to let Yoohyeon rest... alone." He shrugged.

Shaking her head, Doctor Wendy went to the desk in front of Dami's bed where a laptop was running. She took out a USB from her pocket and plugged into the laptop.

"Yes, and no matter what you say, sharing the bed won't help her heal faster. Both of you, come here. I want to show you something." Doctor Wendy called them.

Siyeon and Jooheon went closer, curious on what she was going to show them. "What is it?" Siyeon asked. Before Doctor Wendy explained, she opened a still image of a PET scan.

Jooheon's eyebrows creased, turning to the Doctor. "I'm guessing this is Dami's brain, Doctor?"

"Yes, this shows her brain activity when she's unconscious," Doctor Wendy explained to them.

Then, she goes onto the next slide, which showed the same image but the repeating clip contrasted the previous. Where different colours were on war on different parts of the brain, every pulse sending sparks, looking like a pond filled with hungry fish.

"And this is her brain when the Angel Dust was activated." As the Doctor finished explaining, both of them were still gaping on the short clip.

"W-why is Dami's brain like that?" gasped Siyeon.

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