Chapter 26: Tell The Truth

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Siyeon finished working after being stuck at her office for one tedious day. She got up from her seat supported with her two hands and grabbed her stuff before she headed out and locked her office door. While walking to the elevator, her abdomen, more specifically where the stitches were started to feel pain. She slowed to a stop in front of the elevator door as she held her stomach, gritting her teeth as the pain worsened the longer she waited. She looked up at the tiny monitor when the elevator dinged signaling it arrived at level 9 and the door slid open. She walked inside and pushed the button marked 'LG' as the door closed.

The elevator went straight down to the ground floor as Siyeon held her breath, hoping the pain will let up. Then, she saw blood slowly started to seep through her dress shirt.

"Dammit. The stitches opened," mumbled Siyeon as she groaned in pain.

Arriving at the ground floor, the elevator door opened and she walked out slowly, slightly leaning on the metal doors. As she walked, her sight started to get blurry. Her eyes rolled back and she suddenly crumpled to the cold floor. The agents who saw Siyeon cried in alarm.

"Guys, someone collapsed!" shouted one of the male agents as they ran to Siyeon.

"Oh my... It's Miss Siyeon!" said another agent. Two familiar male agents appeared at the commotion. They tried to look between the heads of the crowd and saw Siyeon lying on the ground unconscious.

"Siyeon!" one of the male agents pushed the crowd away and knelt down next to Siyeon. He held Siyeon up cradling her head on the crook of his elbow. He scanned her body to see what was wrong and saw blood on Siyeon's waist.

"She's bleeding. Move everyone!" he carried Siyeon up and went to cross the lobby.

"Hey, Taehyung! Where are you going?" shouted his friend.

"To Doctor Wendy! Come on, Matthew!" replied Taehyung. They hurried to the private room where Doctor Wendy's office and clinic were located.

At the same time, Doctor Wendy was packing her things into her bag when suddenly the door to her clinic slid open. She looked up a little miffed and was about to tell them off for not knocking until she saw who barged in. Her eyes widened when she saw Siyeon who was carried by an agent who she had met before along with agent Matthew a little behind them.

"Doctor Wendy, please help," Taehyung puffed, a little out of breath by his exertion from the main lobby and worry for his girlfriend's state.

"What's wrong with agent Siyeon?" asked Doctor Wendy.

"We saw her faint just now and she's bleeding on her waist," Matthew replied.

"Put her on the bed," Taehyung nodded and placed Siyeon carefully on the bed. Just then, Matthew's cellphone rang and he moved to the door to answer his call.

"I will wait outside," Matthew walked out of the room, leaving Taehyung alone with Doctor Wendy. She took off Siyeon's clothes and cut the bandages carefully with a pair of scissors. Moving the loose bandages away, she inspected her waist where blood oozed out. She was shocked when she saw stitches drenched under her blood.

"The stitches are wide open. When did she get this?" Doctor Wendy asked Taehyung.

"Two days ago after a fight with some gangsters." Doctor Wendy took a bottle of anesthesia medicine from a cupboard and a syringe and went back to Siyeon. She turned the bottle upside down and carefully drew some inside the syringe. Making sure there were no bubbles inside, she injected near Siyeon's stitch to give her a quick but temporary feel of no pain. Siyeon groaned in discomfort and it made Taehyung feel more worried. Gathering a bundle of gauzes, she cleaned Siyeon's wound as much as she could. Looking at the suture materials for the stitching, Taehyung inwardly thanked whichever physicians or chemists who made anesthesia as a necessity for medicine.

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