Fight Time

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The 1a students stood in a group, facing upper-classman Mirio Togata. Kaori, however, instead of standing next to her friends, hung around the back of the group. She was familiar with Mirio's power and his potential in a fight. It wouldn't stop her from fighting, however. She knew that in this circumstance, if she landed the correct hits, she could overpower him. She was looking forward to seeing how far he'd come in his training.

" Is he being for real? Like real-for-real?" Sero asked, towards the front of the group as Mirio stretched his legs, back and forth.

" Yep! Totes real!" Mirio assured, continuing his stretch. Tamaki, however, had made his way toward a wall, facing it and looking away from everybody else.

" Mirio. You're impossible. It would've been simple enough to just tell them. Not everybody has your level of drive and determination." Tamaki said. While Tamaki spoke a little more, most thinking he was trying to scare 'em, Nejire was playing with Kaori's hair, brushing through it lightly.

" Hey, Hey! Listen up! It's story time," Nejire said, giving Kaori's hair a small bounce. It's all normal. This is Neji's thing. Making people uncomfortable. " Long age, a student in class got frustrated and quit being a hero, and it was terrible for everyone. So, Togata, I know our job is tough, but you better make sure you know what you're doing. Be careful, got it?"

" Would you please stop playing with my hair? I'm trying to pay attention." She said, swatting away Nejire's hands as she scooted some ways away from the bluenette.

" Let's think about this. You're obviously much further ahead than us, but we've fought Pro's before." Tokoyami said. Oh~Getting confident are we? 

" Not to mention, we took down some legitimate villains. I don't think you need to worry about hurting us. We're not a buncha wannabes." Kirishima said. Wait till you see his Quirk, dear Kirishima. You'll be devouring your words. 

" You should be worried!" She called out to her class, but they did not listen. They'd be wishing they did in a few minor seconds.

" You've been heard, but you gotta show me that's the truth. Now, who's gonna start this party?" Mirio challenged.

" I got this." Kirishima said, getting in position.

" No. I'm first." Midoriya said, also getting in position.

" View this as a learning experience. It's a good opportunity for you." Aizawa called out to his class.

" Oh, you're the problem child! This is perfect. I've heard you got plenty in fire in you!" Mirio said. People started getting in position as Nejire moved away from her, moving to stand beside her father. She decided to play it cool, crossing her arms across her body. She wanted to watch just how strong he was before attacking, if she decided to. Who knows, maybe one of them would manage to overpower him. It's not likely, though. Everyone started up, but suddenly stopped as Mirio's clothes started to fall off. She looked away from the scene as everybody froze in position.

" Mirio Togata. In my opinion, he's the person who's closest to taking the spot of the #1 Hero. That's including the pros." She heard her father say. She listened closely as Mirio took out the people with close-range attacks. Her Quirk was a strange mixture of both. It was powerful in close-range, but it was equally balanced in long-range attacks.

" Alright Shaori, you're up!" He heard his voice within the second he took his breath, her eyes immediately focused on him. She watched as he sunk into the ground, disappearing out of sight. Kaori moved backwards, surprising those who were watching. Mirio appeared in front of her, but his back was facing her. He whirled his body around, his leg moving straight through her. She followed the direction of his leg, dodging the punch he'd strategized. 

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