Meta Liberation Army

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Nearly 2 and a half months had passed since the League's encounter with Gigantomachia and Dr. Daruma Ujiko, leaving them in the chilly weather of early December. As the cold weathered continued to grow, so did the League's impatience. They'd been at this task for longer than any other goal they'd grown to achieve as a team. Dabi wasn't much help over that period of time, and when the rest League would make their transition between shifts, they weren't exactly easy to track. 

All though the rest of the League transitioned between certain shifts and positions over the months, only Shigaraki had taken no breaks, despite Kuromi's offer to take his place. He declined every time, however, stating that acquiring Machia was something he had to stay consistent with. Besides, Kuromi was their method of news, transportation, and power. If she wasn't at her best, the likeliness of them winning over Machia would continue to stretch. Instead, Shigaraki had her keep tabs on the outside world with Heroes, and Kaori.

Kuromi walked beside Spinner, watching Toga walk ahead with excited and happy steps Currently, it was only an hour past dawn, the sun wouldn't be rising for another hour or so. Thankfully, their hike would substitute that long wait. Far in the distance, the three spotted the massive spike of dust and rocks flying in the air, figuring that was where their fellow villains were. Ujiko promised to give us his full support, with only one condition, a massive one. Winning over Gigantomachia. For the past few months, Shigaraki had been religiously chasing the beast, but even when he wasn't, the brute always found him. He always wages a full assault for exactly 48 hours and 44 minutes, taking a three hour break to sleep, then restarting the cycle all over again.

Kuromi closed her eyes lightly, the forming eye-bags creasing slightly in annoyance. Machia always knows where Shigaraki is, even I can't get close enough without risking being hit. She sighed deeply, opening her eyes once again as she thought back to a week ago.

She'd caught Kaori Shimura, far from UA and in Hosu, dressed as some sort of Vigilante. After finding Young Shimura, she asked that the girl help her liberate the Trafficking victims. After freeing the victims, Kuromi made her leave early, watching to make sure Kaori got back to UA safely. After that encounter, Kuromi did not see Kaori again.

" Witchy! Can I have a ride~? My legs are getting tired~" Toga whined, tapping the older girl's shoulders lightly. Toga gave a cute smile as Kuromi lifted her hand, her face sinking further into her scarf as she muttered a small incantation, puffs of smoke swirling from the purple image, gathering at Toga's feet before sweeping her off the ground. Toga giggled as she crossed her legs, throwing her hands up in the air excitedly as the cloud flew her through the trees. 

Kuromi lifted her head, smiling as she watched Toga's happy face. Spinner, who walked beside her, observed the woman's relaxed features when she looked at the child of their group.

" You seem to have grown fond of Toga." Spinner said, Kuromi's eyes wandering over to look at him. Bright purple letters began to spell out in front of them,

Her energy is refreshing. It brings me joy.

Spinner hummed lowly. He knew that most of the League had formed because of Stain, but his contribution had been long forgotten. Now most of the League was there for their own reasons. Kuromi, had in ways, always been the most mysterious of the group. To them, she had no name, no voice, yet her power spoke for her. 

After another hour's walk, they'd found their friends, resting on a few boulders as Gigantomachia slept. Kuromi walked towards Shigaraki, having an incantation of her's heal the bruises he'd earned. Surprisingly enough, he still had energy, unlike the others beside him. He glanced up at her, taking a moment to recognize her, before looking back down. 

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