Epilogue: Happy Family

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Y/N's Pov

I thought fighting a war my whole life was hard, but then I went through having to take care of Yang while she hit the more advanced stages of her pregnancy.

Yang: "Honey! Where were you? I was so lonely!"

Y/N: "I went to the bathroom for 5 minutes. Calm down."

Yang: "I need more cuddles!"

Y/N: "Are you finally done eating your food? Or do you need even more?"

Yang: "I just wanna cuddle now. Come here."

Y/N: "We've been cuddling for about 5 hours. And we were cuddling in bed last night."

Yang: "I want more!" I sat down and rolled my eyes.

Y/N: "I thought I wouldn't have to deal with a needy baby until after you give birth." She giggled and leaned on me.

Yang: "You know you love it." I sighed.

Y/N: "Yeah, I guess I do." I wrapped my arm and tail around her.

Yang: "I've been feeling her kick more and more."

Y/N: "I'm just glad they didn't find any evidence of any problems in the last check-up."

Yang: "They did see that she got your ears and tail though. I bet she'll be cute like you."

Y/N: "I'm not cute!"

Yang: "Yes you are. My angry, cuddly, cute pillow who's isn't strong enough to escape my loving embrace. Even now." I realized she was right. She had me in an iron grip. I guess the baby wasn't weakening her arms that much.


A few months later, the time came and I rushed her to the hospital. They let me stay in the room the entire time. I mostly just held her hand when the pain got to be too much and the rest of the time just sat there. 

Eventually she gave birth and a few days later I brought both of them home. Amber, our new daughter, was fairly normal for a baby. She cried a lot, and calmed down when one of us held her, especially when Yang did. Probably because she got fed when it was Yang. Amber also often acted like a kitten, including meowing and trying to climb on things. 

I noticed she basically seemed to just be a younger version of Yang with cat ears and a tail. We showed her to everyone else, and Ruby played with her to no end. One night after we put her in bed Yang seemed to be thinking about something.

Yang: "She's gotten some of your sweetness."

Y/N: "What?"

Yang: "When we brought her to visit my family, Zwei came up to her and she tried to pet him after seeing us do it. I would have expected her to be scared of him, but she then after that she tried to play with him."

Y/N: "She's probably just imitating you."

Yang: "I don't know." She got in bed and I joined her. "She looks like the little girl from my dreams. Actually everything about this looks like what I saw in them. Maybe I was also getting visions of the future."

Y/N: "Or maybe your dreams were vague enough that this fits with what little you saw."

Yang: "They were pretty vivid. Amber looks just like what I saw."

Y/N: "It doesn't really matter that much, since you weren't seeing a dark future that you had to prevent." Just the memory of that made me suddenly feel sadder. I guess she could tell.

Yang: "I will never turn my back on you like I did there. Actually, it's not like I had a choice there either. If I was still myself I would have stood by you the whole time."

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