Pain in eyes and ass

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Another morning of exhausting day started, sinb is already in their classroom. Same as first day, she's the first one to come. She also take her breakfast together with umji but umji is still at their dorm because she is still arranging some of her things in her room.

'So umji is yuju unnie's ex girlfriend' sinb thought. She's been spacing out for an hour as her classmates started to enter the room. She still can't get over from the complicated confessions yesterday.

"Hey" one of her classmates said

She take a glance on it and look away

"You're popular among middle school students, Right? But why are you letting that brat to bully you? You know what, in past, each of her victims transferred to other school because they are so sick with that brat. Your name is also spreading throughout this university that you are her toy this school year. Aren't you embarrassed? If I were you, better transfer to other section right now. Your last year of being high school will be on hell when you're with her. You'll end up falling in love with her without your conscious because she is too good in manipulating someone's mind and feelings. Once you fall to her, she will dump and leave you like you have never existed in her life. She is also dumb, she doesn't do well in her studies, she is actually a repeater. I knew her when I was middle school while she's in high school, 10th grade. She must be in 2nd year of college right now if she didn't stopped and repeat. This school year, we all know that we are graduating students as high school, do you think she'll be on stage at the end of this school year?" The student told sinb.

"Who are you? And I don't know, I can't tell because I don't have any idea who she was. I am also not interested about her life. But I don't let myself down by a dumb person like her. I'll find her weakness and make her pay for her actions" sinb said to the female student.

"You're that brave? Actually, you cannot defeat her easily because there are also rumors that she's flirting with the director of this university. One of the students here said that they saw yerin with---"

"Stop giving false information" the student's statement didn't finish when umji came.

"Go back to your seat and shut your bubbly annoying mouth" umji said

Then the student go back to her seat.

"Don't get fooled by the rumors sinb. Yerin unnie is not that kind of girl, I can't tell it to you right now why am I saying this but I know, you'll discover her kindness soon" umji said and take a seat.

"Good morning class! Hope you had a good rest and had your great first day of class yesterday" Mr. Kim Heechul said as he enters the class.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim" all the students said as they stand up

"You may now take your seats" Mr. Kim said

"Okay, before we start this lesson, let's make attendance first. If your family name is called, say present" Mr. Kim added

While the attendance is going on, Sinb is studying in advance about their mathematics lesson. It was the subject  that she didn't give an answer because she was distracted by yerin.

"Boo Seungkwan"

"Present, Sir!"

"Chwe Vernon"

"Present, Sir"

"Seo Soojin"


"Miyawaki Sakura"

"Present, Sir"

"Son Juyeon"

"Sir, present"

"Kim yewon"

"Present, Sir"

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