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Sinb's POV

Today is the last day of class break so I decided to date my girlfriend. Just a casual date at mall. I am glad that my client pay me in advance for the choreography.

I am happy that yerin is here with me. However, something's strange about her. She keeps on looking everywhere and time by time, she keeps on checking her phone. Seems like she's not comfortable?

"Babe, are you okay?" I confronted her.

"What? Ah–yes. I'm fine" she answered.

"After we ate lunch, let's go home right away. You look uncomfortable with me" I said and continue walking. I am kind of upset because i am with her but her attention is out of this world. I keep on talking to her but she's not listening.


[At the restaurant]

"Aren't you going to eat? I'm almost done with my food yet you're still on your phone" I said to yerin. Aghh she's still using her phone. When i tried to look at her phone screen, she will change the app on her screen right away. Don't tell me, she's flirting with someone else? No way she's going to cheat. She loves me.

"A-ah, babe. I'm sorry, I have to go now. There's an emergency occured. Here's the payment for our lunch. I am very sorry" Yerin immediately stands up from her seat and kissed my forehead before she left. What the hell, I couldn't even utter any words.

I closed my eyes tightly and swallow my pride. She gave me money to pay our lunch!  Argh, this is my treat to her. Her voice earlier is trembling and very fast, i couldn't even understand what she said. All I heard is 'i have to go now'. What was her next statement? Aish, nevermind. I'll just pay these foods at the counter so I can leave now and I will contact my girlfriend after.

After I paid our lunch, I packed the left overs. Of course, i don't want to waste some foods because there are people who can't eat even just a little rice.

As I was about to leave, one of the staffs in the restaurant called me.

"I think, this belongs to your friend earlier" the staff handed me an ID.

When I looked at the ID, yerin's face appeared so I bring it with me. I stared at her ID picture and smiles, she's so beautiful.  Then later on, I realized and noticed something. It was her ID in convenience store. Yet, below her name is confusing.

"Jung Yerin

What does this mean? Owner? Is this her position in that store? Wait... something is not right.

What I have remember, grandpa told me that the owner of the convenience store are the Kim's. Wait, is this a fake ID or what?

I have to go now.

After several minutes had passed, I went home and go to my computer immediately. I need to make research urgent.

"Who's the owner of the convenience store located at yeochin street?" I typed.

The results are what i expected. It shows the Kim's. The director and Kim sunoo. Wait, were the rumors about yerin dating the director real? No, it can't be.

"Kim yesung's girls" I searched up.

I got shocked at the results. There are a lot! In google photos, he's with different girls. Maybe some of them are just his business partners?

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