Part 11

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The worst part about getting home from holiday is the bloody washing!

I put the final load on and take a drink through to my lounge.
I open my texts.

I should delete the thread from Jack, I'm not the kind of person who keeps texts and emails. Read and delete is my style. I hate clutter on my phone.

We've exchanged three texts

I'm home. Flight was pretty good! Thank you for a lovely couple of weeks. Enjoy your last day. Chelsea xxx

Glad u got home ok. It was class thank u. JG xxx

Is this the queue jump number if I'm ever in Birmingham then? 😉 xxx

He never replied, and I do regret sending that last one, but I can't take it back. He saw it.

I cringe internally everytime I think about that last message. Then I feel even sillier because in truth I know that Jack probably didn't even give it a second glance.


I've been back at work for a week and a half, and the holiday feels ages ago now.
I stand in the salon doing my clients hair.

"You've got a lovely colour to you Chelsea, you're glowing"

I look in the mirror "ah thank you, I never normally catch the sun on my face"

Katie one of the juniors brings over a couple of teas. I thank her warmly, it's been go go go today. I take a large gulp of hot liquid.

"Ew Mrs Branch does your tea taste ok?" I ask my client. "Katie, did you rinse the cups after you washed them up?"

Everyone else in the salon assures me that theirs tastes fine.
Well mine doesn't, and I really wanted that drink.

I feel a bit.......weird.
I excuse myself and nip to the loo. I look at my reflection and tears prickle at my eyes.

I splash my face with cold water.
Why the fuck do I keep feeling so emotional? Am I actually crying over a cup of fucking tea?

I've had the post holiday blues before, but not like this.

I don't even think I'm missing Jack, even when I noticed an article online confirming he had said he was staying at Aston Villa, I just just smiled, like anyone happy for a friend would.
The photo the paper had used didn't even particularly ignite anything in me.

I went back out to the salon and tried to not overthink about what was niggling at me.


Friday night and the work girls are heading out for after work drinks.

"Come on Chels, it's not like you to refuse a night out" Dani one of the other stylists tries to persuade me.

"No, I'm sooooo tired, I just want to go home and watch crappy TV"

"Oh come on! Don't be boring!"

"No, please don't make me feel bad, I think I'm still tired from the holiday, too many late nights"

"Oh yeah?" Dani raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah" I smirk...... "But honestly, maybe I'm coming down with something. I don't feel great at all"

Reluctantly the girls give up and I head home.

I stop at the chippy and get myself my usual sausage and chips and a can of coke.
A Friday night in to myself, chippy dinner and trash TV is probably just what I need.

I sit down and start flicking through netflix looking for something to watch.
I absent mindedly start picking at my chips, then take a bite of my sausage.

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