Part 12

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I sit with my morning cup of tea and yet again can't drink it.

I swipe away the new notification on my phone, as I did yesterday and the day before.

Period Tracker 🌸
Period day 3 ⏳

My period hasn't started. I've been hoping maybe it was the holiday had just unsettled my system.
But I can't deny that it makes sense.
I was exhausted, I felt queasy, certain smells and tastes were making me feel really sick.
I'd been sick yesterday over a simple chicken sandwich!
And my boobs really fucking hurt.
I was an emotional wreck.

I keep thinking back to that night on the beach.

We didn't used a condom.

He'd pulled out, but I know how stupid we were to trust that method.

I think of the last time we had sex too, the mess the condom was in when he took it off and it spilt. Maybe it actually split?

I feel stupid.

I feel so fucking stupid.

I had my last period a week before we went away. There hasn't been anyone else for months.
Only Jack.

I buy a pregnancy test in my lunch break.


I hold out until Saturday before I do the test.

I've been praying daily for my period, but nothing.

I can't leave it any longer.

I need to know.

I follow the instructions then sit on the edge of the bath, waiting.

It feels like forever has passed.

Tears are running down my cheeks.

I turn the test over in my hand and I sob, really really sob.

It's positive.

I knew it would be.

Suddenly I feel bile rising up my throat and I clamber to the toilet to be violently sick.

I don't know what to do? What do I do?

I grab my phone and request a video call from Sian.

She accepts groggily, she's in bed, I've woken her but the second she sees my face she sits up.

"Shit Chelsea whats happened?"

I can't talk, I just sob harder. She's telling me take a deep breath, but I can't.

I pick up the test stick and hold it up to my camera.

"Fuck" is all she says, followed by "obviously Jack"

I nod and literally wail! I can't stop sobbing.

"Right Chelsea, stay there! I'm on my way"

"No I protest, she's four hours away in London"

"Chels I'm on my way! I'll be with you by lunchtime! Do you want me to call Jasmin get her to come round?"

I shake my head "no she's working at a wedding today"

"Right Chels listen, have a bath, shower whatever, then have something to eat then I demand you put on your comfiest slobbiest clothes and sit watching friends until I arrive, ok?"

I nod with a feeble smile.


Just before 1pm Sian let's herself into my flat.

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