He's Got Your Eyes!

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done by Divine-Fayth on fanfiction.net

Mrs Weasley squealed with delight. "Oh, just look at him! He's so sweet!"

Was it his imagination, or did Harry look embarrassed?

No, James decided. His son was only a few weeks old, and at that age a child doesn't know the meaning of the word 'tired', let alone 'embarrassment'. Babies always loved being fussed over, anyway. James wished he could share the same enthusiasm.

"Awww, look at his ickle toes! He's such a darling!"

Lily looked exhausted. Taking care of a baby was hard work, as she was constantly reminding him. Still she was smiling proudly, and sharing the same adoring look that Mrs Weasley was wearing as she cooed at the baby.

Why were women always so obsessed with children? Of course James loved Harry, but he was his son. He could understand how Lily was acting- he'd recently caught himself asking Harry if 'ickle Harry-kins wants the teddy, does oo?' All parents went mildly insane over their own offspring. But Mrs Weasley wasn't even related to Harry, and she still felt the need to go gaga over him. Why on earth were all women so mad on babies?

Mrs Weasley was now waving a toy Hippogriff over Harry's crib, delighting in every move the boy made.

Lily had been just the same a few months ago, when they went to visit little Ron. "He's so beautiful!" she had told him, almost in tears. James had disagreed. In his opinion, most new-born babies looked more like shrivelled monkeys than human children, but he knew from experience that it was never wise to argue with a pregnant woman. They tended to go off at the slightest little thing.

Lily gasped. "James, look! He's laughing; oh, look!"

James turned back to stare into the crib. Sure enough, his son's eyes were open and he was gurgling happily at the hovering Hippogriff toy.

Mrs Weasley nudged him. "Here, James, you take it."

He took the toy off her and started waving it vaguely in the air over the crib. Harry wriggled, stretching his pudgy little hands out towards it. James was startled, and almost dropped the thing. Surely babies weren't meant to do that until they were older?

His wife gave a delighted laugh. "Clever boy! Go on, dear, give it to him."

Harry clutched the toy possessively, and started chewing its ear.

"He's amazing," James murmured, still watching his son with a fascinated expression. Lily smiled at him.

"You're going to be a wonderful father," she said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. She stopped. "What's wrong?" James had stopped watching Harry and was looking off into the distance. He blinked, then shook his head slightly.

"Oh, nothing dear. I just had the strangest feeling for a minute."

"Probably someone walking over your grave," said Mrs Weasley with a grin.

"Yeah," he answered vaguely. "That must be it."

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