Mochas and Hot Chocolates (smutish)

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by Nesma

She could tell right away that she wasn't home. Her alarm clock doesn't beep with her heart and when she rustles in bed, her clothes hardly make a crinkle noise like paper. When she opens her eyes, she sees the dots on the ceiling and realizes she's in trouble.

She's in a hospital room.

She turns her head to the left (her head is throbbing) and she sees a familiar face. Well, at least she knows that face.

The woman had wavy blond hair and was currently slumped in her chair. Judging by the wrinkle of her clothes and the dark bags under her eyes... she'd been here for a while.

She has memories flooding back of the blond woman throwing her head back, laughing as she clutched the coffee cup close to the edge of the table. She's seen this woman take care of Harry...

She shuts her eyes again because she can't believe she forgot about her own child. And where is he? Was he here? Oh god...

"Hello?" She mutters, shocked at how raspy her voice was. She starts to struggle against the tubes and wires and in doing so, she starts to lift herself a bit off the bed. Only to activate a piercing alarm.

The woman in the chair wakes up and nearly falls out of her chair as she rushes towards her.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay Lily" The woman mutters, pushing her hands against Lily (her name she supposed) back to the bed.

"Harry?" Lily mutters, her hand fluttering weakly against her forehead, her eyes closing. She's having a hard time breathing as if the wind was knocked out of her lungs with the simplest movements.

"He's fine. There's another nanny from the agency looking over him." The woman replies, hovering slightly over Lily, her lips forming a frown.

Lily nods and feels an overwhelming amount of weight off her shoulders. But she's still breathing heavily and it felt like her heart was going to burst. Despite repeating to herself stubbornly, He's alright, he's alright... she still fainted.

They tell her she had a nasty fall at the coffee shop. They tell her she slipped on a drink and banged her head up pretty badly on the counter. There was even the fear that she paralyzed herself.

Lily vaguely remembers the motions but has a hard time grasping earlier memories. She has a hard time remembering friends' names and school stuff and other pointless things. Like the bus schedule. And the fact that her nanny is named Marlene. And the fact that Harry was created by Lily and some asshole who just sends his lawyer (whose also a piece of work) to deal with the child support and nanny and hospital bills.

Lily has tried asking Marlene about it, only to see the woman turn away and mutter under her breath that it is far better that Lily forgets about the man for he wasn't very nice even if he throws his money around.

Lily tries hard at night, after getting retrained to be a barista, the man that she once dated. She only remembers flashes, and those amount to nothing. She only recalls the feeling of being safe and at home but she guessed that her mind repressed the other memories if Marlene refuses to share more than necessary.

It happens during the late night shift.

She had no intentions of closing the shop by herself, but her co-worker wasn't feeling well and Lily would rather do the work by herself than try to clean up after other people's sloppy cleaning. And after a quick phone call to the nanny, Lily dismissed Claire from her closing obligations.

It was nearing 1:30 AM and Lily still had to mop the place. Giving a heavy sigh, she walks towards the back of the bar to fill the rusty yellow pail with hot water. The bane of her existence, the yellow nasty, disgusting pail with wheels that hardly moved, causing whoever was unfortunate enough to mop to spill water everywhere when simply moving it a few inches.

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