Love, Your Favourite Toerag

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done by Solstilla on

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Lily looked up from Pride and Prejudice towards the window, and a wide smile stretched across her face. Ora! She couldn't help but welcome the airy feeling in her chest from spotting the owl that has become increasingly familiar as of late. Lily scratched Ora's chin as she dug around in her drawer for the treats she kept specifically for her friends' owls.

"Good girl," Lily cooed, unravelling the letter that had been rolled up and tied to Ora's leg. Her heart pounded in her chest at the greeting. Lils. Lily sat at her desk to read the rest, getting parchment and a pen ready so she could write him back straight away. She didn't want Ora stuck here too long. Or at least that was what she told herself. It definitely wasn't because she missed talking to James. Not at all.

Dear Lils,

How did everything go at your mum's appointment? I hope everything is getting better! Here, things are about as crazy as you'd expect. Remus just headed back home, and Sirius is being moody. He's being even more dramatic than normal if you could believe it. I walked in on him earlier laying across the couch with his hand lying on his face. When he noticed me he just started saying, "This melancholy that has consumed me is bringing me closer and closer to my bitter demise." I wish I could say that's the most dramatic thing he's said today.

Mum is letting him go on like that! She keeps babying him. When I tell her he's acting like a young regency heroine, she yells at me! How am I being insensitive? He's the one waxing poetic on how he's going to die any minute. I swear she's lost her mind, Lils. Maybe you could come visit soon? I have faith with you being here, our united front may kick him back into a more manageable amount of melodramatic despair?

Anyways I've rambled on probably enough. Please let me know how your mum's appointment went! And also, how are you holding up amongst all the craziness?

Miss you loads,

Your Favorite Toerag

Next to this he doodled an image of what must've been Sirius draped across the sofa, his hand on his forehead. It made her laugh, which she supposed was the point.

James was always able to make her laugh. That past year, they'd slowly become really good friends. It started with them bonding over taking care of Remus after the full moon, but it quickly morphed into something much bigger. James was the one to suggest walks around the grounds on Fridays. Now, Fridays were her favorite day of the week, far surpassing any Saturday she'd ever had.

Sometimes, they would speak of nothing consequential. Just cloud gazing and games of truth or dare. Other times, they would discuss the world, and the war brewing around them. They would talk about their place in everything that was happening around them, their fears, their dreams. James wanted to play Quidditch professionally but had sworn to put that dream aside in order to fight for justice. Only when Voldemort was vanquished would he ever return to that dream.

One night, far past dusk, she remembered the world being so silent and peaceful. Lying in the grass next to James, staring at the stars the world felt almost perfect. With James right there beside her with his lopsided grin and the stars twinkling above them, the thought of curfew passed by like a leaf in the wind. So lost in the moment where only she and James Potter existed, she'd confessed her plans for the future. Or lack thereof, she should say. How could she make plans for a future she didn't see herself surviving to be in? Lily was a muggleborn. She would be the first to be targeted in the fight, and likely, the first to go. Everyone told her what a great potioneer she would be, so that was her go-to answer to "what do you want to do when you graduate?" but she had no real drive for the profession. It was easier than explaining that she just wanted to be alive.

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